should not want to restrict Jehovah in what he can or
cannot do and teach this as fact. If he has done something in the
past it is up to him whether he wants to do it again and under what
circumstances. There were relatively few people in the past who had
experiences as noted above, such as
Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, Daniel the prophet, of course Jesus, but
also some of his disciples, to name just a few. What about today?

I come from a large
family of eleven children (seven boys and four girls). The first two
were boys, of which I am the second. My father was baptized as a
Witness in 1947, but he never studied the Bible with any of his
family, being of the opinion that we could learn these things at the
meetings, which we were required to attend regularly. He was
particularly strict with my older brother and me, requiring us to
also prepare for the Watchtower Study, which left us little time to
play. Being young and not knowing anything about God, I had no
appreciation for spiritual things, and so I simply went through the
motion of underlining certain parts to give him the impression that
I was complying. I found the meetings to be awfully boring and
remember even cursing God on one occasion for having to attend them.
Although my older brother was baptized at the age of sixteen, he
soon left the Witnesses and became quite opposed.
One day, when I was 15 and sick at home, and having read all my
comic books, I reached for the book From Paradise Lost to
Paradise Regained (published by the Watchtower Society), and
started reading it. I became completely absorbed in the things I was
learning and could not put it down until I had read it from cover to
cover. For the first time I came to understand who Jehovah is, and
was moved by his great love for mankind when he created the
first man Adam, and placed him in a beautiful home that he had
prepared for him. I became disturbed over the fact
that Adam and Eve so quickly rebelled against their heavenly Father;
and saddened that most of their offspring followed their bad
example, including us today. I didn't want to be like that, and
therefore apologized to Jehovah for the times I had taken his name
in vain. I needed help, and since I could not expect it from my
father I asked an elderly sister for assistance, a friend of the
family in a neighboring congregation who was already studying with
two of my sisters.
Surprisingly, that is when my father started to oppose me. He
forbade me to study with the sister, and he even went to her home to
tell her that personally. He threatened to kick me out of the house
if I continued, yet all the while he was attending meetings. What a
turn around in his attitude I thought. I had expected encouragement
from him, not opposition! But I was happy that I had the opportunity
to prove my love and loyalty to Jehovah so soon. The resistance
eventually stopped, and although I cannot remember any word of
encouragement from my father, I was able to continue. Full of zeal
and desire to share what I was learning with others, I would take my
Bible and walk a few blocks from home and start knocking on doors,
believing that if people would know what I had learned then they too
would love Jehovah. After all, to know him is to love him!
In 1961, July 7, at the Vancouver, British Columbia, United
Worshipers District Assembly, there were 606 baptized, and I was
one of them. I was seventeen. No, I had not met with any servants
(elders) in my congregation to ask for their permission. Having
prayed about the matter, I brought my bathing suit and towel and sat
among the baptismal candidates. Upon being baptized, overflowing
with joy, and while still standing in the pool, I expressed to
Jehovah my fervent desire to go in the field service right away, in
symbol of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. There were
27 chartered buses that had taken the baptismal candidates to the
baptism location, and I took the first available one to return to
the Convention site at the Empire Stadium.
By the time I arrived at the Field Service desk all the territory
cards were gone, all except the outlying regions of the city, for
which I needed a car but which I didn’t have. Very disappointed I
walked away a few steps and turned to Jehovah to ask for his help,
explaining why it was so important for me to go out in the service
now, at this time, and not the following day or week. It was today I
was baptized, and it was today I wanted to go and tell others about
Him. My whole future of serving him seemed dependant on this
symbolic hour or so of service. And he heard my prayer, for at this
very moment the brother behind the Service Desk called my name (I
knew him from a neighboring congregation), and he asked if I still
wanted to go in the service. A young couple from Tacoma, Washington,
was standing there, and they too were desirous to go in field
service. They had a car and welcomed someone along who knew the
area. Of course I went! I turned to Jehovah and thanked him for
having answered my prayer.
The short hour or so spent in the territory was not especially
memorable. I was able to talk at a few doors about our convention,
but don't even remember if I placed any literature. But that was not
the important thing to me. I would not even bother relating this if
it were not for what followed immediately upon returning to the
It was still the early afternoon and the program was not going to
start until later in the day. The young couple had dropped me off at
the main entrance of the Stadium, and now, standing just inside
under the bleachers with my back towards one pillar—keeping out of the way of anyone walking by—I
turned to Jehovah and thanked him for his blessings on this
wonderful day, and for having made possible for me to go and briefly
share my faith with others in the territory. I was overflowing with
joy and gratitude for allowing me to have come to know him, and
while thus praying I caught sight of an elderly man coming round the
bend in my direction. I could not help but notice him even at that
distance for he had white—I
mean white—hair,
that fairly gleamed even in the shade of the bleachers. My eyes were
transfixed on him because his white hair made him look very
distinguished. My first thought was that he must be a member of the
Brooklyn Bethel, perhaps even the governing body, visiting our
Convention as a speaker; for this is how I imagined the anointed to
look like. (Rev. 1:14) But as he kept coming in my direction, I also
became aware that no one else took notice of him, not even a glance.
This made me wonder, surely if he was that well known someone would
recognize him.
He appeared to be seventyish in years, wearing a black suit with
matching tie. His shirt was as white as his hair; and he was
carrying a black briefcase. I remember everything about him looked
so clean! I hadn't taken my eyes off him for a moment—all the while still praying to Jehovah—when
he stopped in front of me, set his briefcase down beside him and
held out his hand. I thought he wanted to say hello, perhaps because
of my having stared at him, and so I accepted it to shake it. But he
clasped my hand with both of his, giving it a friendly squeeze.
Then, in a firm but friendly voice, he simply said: “You are a
chosen one!”
I was expecting an, "Hello, how are you? Nice convention!" Catching
me by surprise, I replied: “Huh? Pardon me?”
He answered: “You are one of the chosen ones. You are a chosen one!”
while still holding firmly onto my hand with both of his.
I was somewhat embarrassed and puzzled, and asked: “What do you
mean? Chosen for what?”
He said nothing further. He just stood there and held on to my hand,
as if keeping me from running off. And I stood there just
staring at his awesome head of snow white hair, all the while wondering
who he was. I had never seen anyone with white hair like his before, or since.
Finally, without saying another word, he let go, picked
up his briefcase and turned to walk back in the direction he had
just come from, giving me the impression that perhaps he had come
just for me.
This elderly brother had interrupted my prayer, and as I watched him
walk away I turned to Jehovah again, and pointing to him, asked:
“Who is that man? Did you hear what he said? I am a ‘chosen one’?
What did he mean?” And when I said “chosen one,” it occurred to me
that I had studied something in the Bible about chosen ones, and so
I asked Jehovah: “Did you perhaps send him?” (Matt. 24:22, 24) With
that thought I felt the urgency to find out who this man is, and the
meaning of what had said. I closed my prayer and started to hurry
after him.
I felt somewhat embarrassed, and wondered how to deal with the
situation. I didn’t just want to run up to him, tap him on the
shoulder and ask who he was. As I was gaining on him, and not far
behind, he disappeared around the bend where I had first caught
sight of him. Running, in an instant I also rounded the bend,
expecting him to be a couple of steps in front of me—but there was
no one there! No one at all! Not even a small group that he might
have mingled among. I felt perplexed about his sudden disappearance,
and turning to Jehovah I asked to indicate to me, please, where he
went. I ran a few steps back to the entrance that went out onto the
field and the bleachers; and seeing no one there I hurried to the
next entrance, thinking that perhaps he might have made it that far,
although that seemed obviously impossible. Again there was not a
person in sight, except for the few who were scattered along the top
in the seats, eating their lunch. It was a strange sensation, to say
the least, not to be able to find him when I had been almost right
behind him! People just don't vanish into thin air, do they? This
was on the Friday of the five day Convention. For the rest of that
day and the next two days I kept on the lookout for him, being
confident that he would be on the platform for one of the talks. But
I never saw him again.
Who did I think he was? A kind, elderly brother, a servant of
Jehovah, perhaps a bit nearsighted, who most likely got me mixed up
with someone else. And although I had no idea where he had
disappeared to, I was sure that there was some logical explanation,
which I just couldn’t think of. (See
picture of the
convention site, taken the following day, Saturday, July 8, 1961. It
was directly below the spot shown that I was standing the day
* * * * *
this, my thoughts of living forever on a paradise earth, in perfect
health and happiness with family and lots of friends, were replaced
with an overwhelming and intense desire to be with Jehovah. But I
didn’t think this to be unusual, or in any way special. Isn’t that
what everyone would prefer if given the choice, to be with God?
After all, if you love someone you want to be with the person.
Therefore I gave no special consideration to what was happening
regarding my very strong desire, dismissing it as normal. But then
something else began to occur that was far greater than a desire,
which made the whole thing become an issue to me, and impossible to
ignore. There would be instances when a tremendous awareness of the
choosing would suddenly overwhelm me; and for the moment I would be
absolutely certain that this was from Jehovah, leaving no doubt
whatsoever. It was unexpected and not at all dependant on what I was
doing at the moment, and I would always be moved to ask Jehovah:
“Does this have anything to do with what happened on the day I was
baptized?” It certainly kept the occasion of that day fresh in my
I always dismissed the thought of having been chosen in any way,
afraid that I was somehow being presumptuous because of Jehovah’s
blessings that I was now enjoying. After all, our publications were
teaching that the number of chosen ones had been completed by 1935,
and who was I to question that? And besides, who was I in comparison
to so many others in my congregation and the organization, who I
respected and looked up to, such as our Circuit Overseers, and many
elders who were pillars even in the circuit. Why would Jehovah
choose me when they did not profess to have the heavenly hope? My
faith in the Society’s teachings was great at that time! (1
Corinthians 1:26-29)
Resisting, or grieving God’s holy spirit, that bears witness with
us, has consequence. (Eph. 4:30) On the one hand it was depressing
not to be able to embrace the hope, while at the same time it made
me feel that I was somehow being disloyal to Jehovah for even
thinking it. Paul wrote that our hope serves as an anchor, for it
keeps us from drifting away. And I started to feel that I was in
danger of that! (Heb. 2:1; 6:19)
Finally, one spring day in 1972, I approached Jehovah in earnest
prayer and begged him to help me settle this matter. I apologized
for even entertaining this thought, explaining that perhaps it was
due to some secret desire of self-importance, as we are often
taught; and I counted off all the reasons as to why I questioned
that this wonderful hope could be from him. Top of the list was the
point regarding 1935, the year the Society claimed the number had
been made up. (“No more additions,” as Fred Franz once announced.)
Also, I pointed out that those chosen by him are chosen, not for
their own glory, but for the purpose of shepherding his sheep.
Therefore, if I had been truly chosen by him, I should be taking the
lead in the congregation, serve as an elder, and be used on Assembly
programs. At this time I was only a ministerial servant, responsible
for conducting a home book study. Since I was none of these things,
and a lousy speaker even for a short five minute student talk, I
felt sure that this was enough proof that I could not possibly have
been chosen by him. Therefore, I begged Jehovah to please take this
wonderful desire away, as I had no right to it.
Although I had offered many prayers previously on the matter, this
time Jehovah was about to answer it. My circumstances changed
quickly within a few months. I was married by this time, and the way
opened unexpectedly for me and my wife to move to serve where the
“need was great.” By December of that year I was an elder giving
public talks. And a couple of months later I had my first assignment
at a Circuit Assembly. For three years I enjoyed such wonderful
blessings, getting more experienced in giving public talks and
having some part at every Assembly. Jehovah was prospering me
spiritually. I did not associate the chain of events with my prayer
three years previous, until at this particular Assembly I was
especially nervous before giving my part. My stomach was in huge
turmoil, and l was afraid that I was going to faint when walking
onto the stage. I prayed to Jehovah to help me, quoting from
Proverbs 10:22, “The blessing of Jehovah—that is what makes rich,
and he adds no pain with it.” But boy, was I in pain!
Now, when I mentioned that my parts at the Assembly are a "blessing"
from him, I made the connection with what I had talked to him about
three years earlier, namely, that if my hope was from him then I
ought to be an elder; give public talks; and have parts on Assembly
programs. He had given me all that, as I now became aware! Yet, I
looked at the brothers sitting next to me behind the stage, awaiting
their turn, all of them pillars in their congregations and the
circuit, and what was I compared to them? Since, as far as I knew,
none of them professed to be of the anointed, I reasoned that
neither am I. So, I told Jehovah that just because I am an elder,
give public talks, and have parts at Assemblies, does not in itself
mean that I am a chosen one.
I must have done, or said something I shouldn’t have, for within the
month all my blessings were taken away. There was a complete
turn-around in my situation. Everything that could go wrong did go
wrong! I lost my job and ended up having to move back to my home
city, and to a larger congregation where the elders were of the
opinion that there were already too many of them (eleven), and they
felt that it took too long for each to get back on "top of the totem
pole," as one put it. (At that time the position of presiding
overseer rotated every year.) Therefore, I was not accepted as an
elder in this congregation, which also made me realize that the
previous blessings I had enjoyed had not been due to some special
ability or qualification on my part. The District Overseer, though,
whom I knew from my previous Circuit, was incensed at the attitude
of these elders and dealt with them when he met with all the elders
of the circuit at the next Assembly. (I heard that he had
embarrassed them by telling everyone at that meeting about their
“totem pole” attitude.) Consequently, shortly thereafter I was
recommended to be an elder by them, but by that time Jehovah opened
the opportunity for me to return to my previous assignment. I should
have learned my lesson!
Nine months after I had moved away I was back again, and busy
engaging in my former responsibilities. I had never been deleted as
an elder in my previous congregation, so it was easy to pick up
where I had left off. I joined my wife in pioneering one full year
(100 hours a month at that time) while at the same time holding a
full time forty-hour a week job (I worked 2 days for 16 hours, and 1
day 8 hours). But that adversely affected my health. At the same
time my hope became an issue again as my motivating joy returned,
even stronger than before, if that was possible. It was becoming so
intense that once again I needed to talk to Jehovah about it. Since
I felt that this hope could not possibly be from him—mainly because
of not wanting to doubt the Society’s teaching regarding this; and
also because I was afraid that perhaps my blessings were going to my
head—I again argued that I had no right to be entertaining such
wonderful thoughts. (All this made me realize, later in life, what
amazing patience Jehovah has with us, when he tolerates our doubts
and even acts on our behalf to settle them.)
This led me one day, in the late spring of 1978, to go up the nearby
7,000 foot mountain overlooking our valley. It was possible to drive
three-quarters of the way up to where there was a forestry lookout
tower. What an awesome panoramic view from there.
Mount Robson, in
the Rocky Mountains, could be seen in the distance. Then I hiked a
further hour, wanting to be alone while talking to Jehovah about my
concern. Of course, there wasn't a day I had not talked about it in
my prayer, but I just felt that I needed to draw extra attention to
the matter by going beyond the usual prayer. My hope was simply too
strong and I needed to have it settled once and for all time. (It is
comparable to being intensely in love, which finds no peace until
the object of one’s affection agrees to marriage.) I gave
consideration to what Jehovah had done for me previously, but still
wondered if it had been simply a coincidence. It had not been enough
to remove my doubts, and I did not want to be presumptuous by
jumping to undue conclusions. I can assure you that it is not an
easy thing to go against the teachings of the Society, when they
conflict with your own thoughts and conscience, including their view
on 1935. Also, because of my feelings of inadequacy, I needed more
There is no use in asking Jehovah for something I already had. I was
an elder, giving public talks in my own and neighboring
congregations, and again had parts at every Assembly. I needed to
ask for the impossible—something
that was definitely beyond my grasp and beyond my own ability to
bring about. Therefore I prayed to Jehovah that if I was truly a
chosen one, as I had been told on the day I was baptized, and if
that was truly from him—his spirit bearing witness with mine—then
I ought to be a Circuit Overseer, or I should be working in a Bethel
(branch office), or be a missionary, or be a special pioneer. The
very least, I prayed, was that he would open the way for me to be a
regular pioneer; as it seemed reasonable to me that the chosen ones
have the responsibility to set the example and take the lead in
worshipping God. After all, I reasoned, is that not why they are
chosen! Like in the first instance, it was not in the way of asking
for a sign, but I was simply stating what I thought was how Jehovah
does things. As it turned out, I was not wrong in asking, for he was
about to give me even the impossible.
* * * * *
Before I got down
off that mountain and returned home, Jehovah had started to answer
my prayer even this time, and in a much larger way than I could ever
have imagined. He was about to give me a portion of everything I had
mentioned in my prayer. A phone call from my wife's mother in
Greece, which my wife received shortly before I returned from the
mountain, set things in motion. My mother-in-law had phoned to tell
my wife that the doctor had discovered an inoperable brain tumor and
gave her only a few months to live. We immediately made plans to go
and visit her. It was going to be my first visit to Greece and the
first for my wife in over ten years. It turned out to be the most
wonderful spiritually blessed three weeks that I had ever enjoyed.
Unbelievably, wherever we went on that short visit we were told by
the brothers we met that if we loved Jehovah we would move there.
Even some non-witness relatives urged us to come and teach them
about the new religion my wife had embraced.
When we visited the newly build Bethel in Athens a brother took a
personal interest in us, especially when he learned that my in-laws
lived in one of the top two problematic territories in all of
Greece. He also urged us that if we love Jehovah then we would move
to Greece, as there was a real need in that particular area. My wife
and I both got the clear impression that Jehovah was inviting us to
change territory, to "step over into Macedonia," only in this case
it was the Peloponnesus. After a lot of discussions with my wife,
including our six-year-old son; and fervent prayers for Jehovah's
guidance in this matter, I quit my good job after almost five years
with the Canadian Railway; sold or gave away all our possessions
except for the few personal things that could fit in a trunk, and
moved to Greece in 1980. The Bethel there immediately appointed us
as special pioneers. (By the way, my mother-in-law lived for another
twenty years. Either there had been no brain tumor, or it
miraculously disappeared.)
We could not have been treated better or more hospitably by the
brothers, even if we had been sent by the Society. The Circuit
Overseer for our area took me along on his visits as I had a car and
he didn't. (I had specifically requested a vehicle from Jehovah, as
I could never have afforded one, and without one we would not have
been of much use. How we managed to get a car, a small VW bus at
that, and keep it running is quite a story in itself.) I was told by
the Bethel member that once I was fluent enough in the language they
would use me in the circuit work. Jehovah fairly spoiled us by the
way he blessed and protected us, but that is a whole book in itself.
Our territory comprised a large part of the south-western
Peloponnesus, and we had many enjoyable and productive Bible studies
and experiences, including making friends and having many
discussions (including placing books) with the chief of police for
that area, who became very favorable towards the Witnesses, and
served as a protection to us; besides visiting many isolated
brothers and sister who appreciated the encouragement from our
Being slow to learn, I again did not make the connection with the
prayer I had offered to Jehovah on the mountain back in '78 and the
blessings that had now opened up to me. I was a special pioneer,
working with the Circuit Overseer in visiting small isolated groups
of brothers, and went to the Bethel once a month to pick up our
allowance, where the brother who cared for the Greek field consulted
with me on the situation in our own area, and invited suggestions,
two of which were acted upon with letters to all the congregations.
We also enjoyed meals with the brothers whenever we visited, and on
one occasion were invited to share a meal with brother Fred Franz
who had come to visit the Greek Bethel in 1981. The hope that had
been set before me had now become indeed very real and overwhelming,
and there was no containing my joy. It energized me, motivating me
in everything I said and did. I had never realized before that there
is such a thing as being too happy, when you are bursting at the
seams from sheer joy.
Therefore, one morning in 1983, a few days before the Memorial, as I
was getting ready to go out in the field service to invite studies
and others for the Memorial, I earnestly approached Jehovah in
prayer, again to talk about the hope that I still believed I was not
entitled to. And I again mentioned the Society's teaching about the
numbers having been made up in 1935, over which I was stumbling, and
therefore I still questioned whether my hope was originating with
As I was thus praying, my mind turned to the Watchtower magazine
that I had just received the previous day. I had read the article on
porneia, and there was something new. (March 15, 1983) It was no
longer scripturally possible to commit porneia with one’s marriage
mate and get a divorce. This had been an issue with me when I was an
elder in my old congregation. Let me explain:
In 1979, a few months before we moved to Greece, a young sister had
approached me and informed me that she was seeking a divorce from
her husband, justifying her reason by what the Society was teaching
in the Watchtower on porneia (at that time), namely that a married
couple could become guilty of porneia (fornication) by engaging with
each other in acts that homosexuals practice, and thus have
scriptural grounds for divorce. I could not agree with the
Watchtower's view, in fact, I was shocked when they had printed
that, and so my conscience did not allow me to go along with that.
That is what I told the other elder, who I had taken along with me
to visit the sister. If he agreed with the Society, and if the
sister wanted to pursue the divorce then he would have to find
another elder to go with him as I wanted no part of it. When I first
read the article on how a husband and wife can commit porneia with
each other and actually have grounds for a scriptural divorce I
remember holding the article up, in a way of showing it to Jehovah,
asking him to do something about it before it caused too much damage
in breaking up families. (See
w74 11/15 p. 703 Questions
from Readers: Do lewd practices on the part of a married person
toward that one’s own mate constitute a Scriptural basis for the
offended mate to get a divorce?)
Now I had my answer! The latest Watchtower had corrected what I
considered a serious error. I had not been wrong after all in taking
a stand regarding the matter of porneia within a marriage. Here now
was the correction! Since the Society had been wrong and in need of
correcting this teaching, then perhaps they also needed to correct their
teaching on 1935, that the number of chosen ones had not been
completed after all. In other words, the reason
that kept me from
accepting my hope as originating with Jehovah throughout those years—the Society
saying that the number of anointed was made up in 1935—suddenly went out
the window. I could never mention it again. (Eventually I came to
realize that this was not the only teaching in need of correction. The
understanding regarding 1935 did change in 2007.)
So, while praying, I asked Jehovah: “Why then, does the Society say
that the number was made up in 1935, if that is not true?”
Now something happened that the Society claims Jehovah no longer
does, although he did in times past. He answered me! No, I didn’t
hear an audible voice, but inside my head, very clearly I perceived the
words: “In 1935 the emphasis shifted to the ingathering of the great
“Oh,” I said, “that makes sense! Instead of the number having
been completed, it was only a matter of shifting the emphasis to the
earthly hope.” That, at least, can be proven historically. I have
not understood this to mean that it was Jehovah who had shifted the
emphasis of the message from that time on, although neither have I
ruled it out. I believe that I was simply told a fact, namely, that
up until 1935 all the literature and public discourses, whether at
conventions or in the congregations, spoke of the heavenly
calling; whereas after 1935 the emphasis was about living forever on
earth, such as the great crowd of Revelation could look forward to.
(Rev. 7:9,10, 14-17)
Having put that years-long objection out of the way, I next
mentioned to
Jehovah that if I truly was a chosen one then I ought to be a
Circuit Overseer; or work in the Bethel; or be a missionary; or a
special pioneer; just as I had prayed years previous on the
mountain back home. And when I mentioned “special pioneer,” it suddenly hit
me! "What am I saying, I am a special pioneer!" Immediately
my prayer, with which I had implored Jehovah back in 1978, came to
mind, and I suddenly realized that the blessings I had been enjoying
for the past three years were the answer to that prayer. It was not
all just one impossible coincidence! There was no way that I could,
by myself, even with all the money in the world, have arranged all
these developments of the last three years. I cannot put into words
the feeling that came over me with that realization. It definitely
seemed that what had happened on the day I was baptized had indeed
been from Jehovah, and he had patiently put up with my lack of faith
all these years, indulging me by granting me all my foolish requests.
So I said further: “That means I must partake at the Memorial next
week. (Pause) I cannot do that. (Pause) What are the brothers going
to say? They won’t believe me. (Pause) I need more proof that my
hope is really from you, not so much for my sake but for the
brothers who will scorn me.” I suddenly became afraid. This was
contrary to what the Society was teaching! Would I not lose their
respect and association? Also, what would my wife say who had been
such an important companion to me, and on whose account I thought
Jehovah was blessing us! I had never discussed my hope with her,
although I had hinted at it on one occasion many years previous. She
had no idea of the motivation that had been driving me all these
Now I was thinking of what else I could ask of Jehovah, as proof
that the hope truly was from him. I couldn’t come up with anything.
He had already given me everything that I had mentioned in my
prayers. I was at this point absolutely certain, yet at the same
time beyond convincing as it all came so suddenly after all these
years. I still clung to my doubts.
This would have been a good time to thank Jehovah for all that he
had done for me, also for the added information I had now received,
and ask for permission to talk about this matter further some time
later. I should have taken the time to digest all this! But I'm not
that smart. I am too impulsive! Therefore, I insisted, “even if an
angel out of heaven were to appear in front of me right now, and
tell me that I am a chosen one, I would not believe it.”
And very clearly in my head (no voice), I heard the reply: “I have
already done that for you.”
Of course, my mind immediately went to that old man, with the snow
white hair, who came to me on the day I was baptized back in 1961,
to tell me that I was a chosen one; and so I blurted out: "No, that
was no angel!” Such an idea had never even occurred to me. I have
only recently shared my experience with a few relatives and witness
friends, and surprisingly, their first response was that it must
have been an angel.
I needed more evidence, if not for myself then at least for the
brothers, just to convince them that all these blessings I had
enjoyed from Jehovah had not gone to my head. So I said to Jehovah
that if what I had just been made aware of, regarding the emphasis
shifting in 1935 to the ingathering of the great crowd, rather than
the number having been completed, if that would appear in the
Watchtower before the Memorial of the following year—like in the
case of the other correction on porneia—then I would accept the hope
with joy and partake, as I would have something to point to as proof
for the brothers, if they were inclined to question my sanity in
view of the 1935 teaching. (Interestingly, these almost identical
words appeared five years later in the Revelation book,
published in 1988. See footnote on bottom of page 117.)
The following Tuesday we attended the Memorial with our friends,
studies and interested ones, but I did not partake. I could not have
done so even if I wanted to, for we were a small group of 36 persons, and
the brother who was supposed to pass the emblems just made a
sweeping motion over the heads of everyone with the emblem in hand
and pronounced, "No need to pass the bread (later also the wine) as
no one here partakes anyways." And I silently told Jehovah, "See!
Even if I wanted to partake, I couldn't." But for the first time my
conscience was smiting me, as if I had been rebellious. Did it
matter to Jehovah? Within a couple of months my situation totally
changed, robbing me of all the joy, for I lost all my blessings.
Whereas before, nothing could go wrong, now nothing could go right.
Our pioneer days were over. To the extent that I had been filled
with joy, I was now distressed to the extreme. My wife became sick
and disenchanted, and no longer wanted that kind of a life.
Eventually she met a worldly man, a relative of a Witness, with whom
she started a business, and which was the beginning of the end of
our marriage. (Psalms 38:1-11)
I returned with my son to Canada, while my wife stayed behind with
her business partner. That was a terrible time. We had been a close
family. Inseparable! We had sold all our belongings, house,
furniture, car, even my son’s toys, etc. in order to move to Greece.
I had quit an enjoyable and secure office job with the Canadian
National Railway, even given up a promotion; and now here I was
washing windows, cleaning toilets and starting life over again,
trying to provide life's necessities. My son was now eleven years
old and the hardest part for me was that he did not have his mother
to help him get up in the mornings to make breakfast and see him off
to school. With heavy heart I went to work at 6:00 am, five days a
week, setting the alarm for him to get up by himself at 8:00 am. And
he would come home after school into an empty apartment, until I got
home a couple of hours later. His mother eventually returned several
months later, but only to leave us again after a few years. And she
blamed me for having ruined her life by the way we had lived it.
* * * * *
I longed for the
joyous time we used to have in worshipping Jehovah as a family. It
became a distant memory. In a way I was glad that I had not partaken
at that particular Memorial, as I reasoned that all this suffering
that had now come upon me were proof that I never had the heavenly
calling. But I came to realize that this was twisted reasoning, as I
failed to consider at the time that it may have been for my lack of
faith and disobedience. (Compare Jeremiah 44:15-23) Some Witnesses
used to say (some still do) that partaking unworthily of the emblems
at the Memorial is as serious as sinning against the holy spirit,
and I reasoned that at least I was not guilty of that. (Of course,
now I understand that nothing could be further from the truth. One
does not sin by being obedient!)
My marriage ended in 1988, when my wife had an affair for a second
time, and she divorced me. Two years later I met a sister, a widow.
This sister was one who had herself suffered greatly because of an
unfaithful husband, who had died before he could prey on even more
sisters, inside and outside their congregation. (We are talking
about Witnesses here, who “don’t do such things.”) Because of her
love for Jehovah, and her own bad experiences, I thought she would
make a faithful wife with whom I could worship God as I used to. But
since my ex-wife had not confessed to adultery, having simply moved
away, the elders in our congregations did not consider me
scripturally free to remarry.
Therefore, one Tuesday morning I presented my dilemma before
Jehovah. I explained to him the whole situation, as if he didn’t
already know it. I told him that I wanted to get married again and
how my son needed someone to cook proper meals. I also included that
if I really make such a lousy husband, as I had been accused of, I
did not want to get married ever again. But Jehovah would know that!
I told him that in order for the sister and me to get married we
needed his help, because my ex-wife never confessed to committing
any sins and neither did I have proof to the contrary. And now that
she had moved away, living on the other side of the continent, it
would not be possible for me to get any evidence against her. So I
begged for his help. I asked that he would please bring into the
open what my wife had done in secret. She could hide her actions
from the elders, but she certainly could not hide anything from
Jehovah. (1 Tim. 5:24; Heb. 4:13)
And again Jehovah did what we are told he no longer does; he
answered me even this time! Very clearly, with no audible voice, but
inside my head I heard two words: "Phone so-and-so (the name of a
person)!" I did not see how this could be of any help and wondered
why I would be told to get in touch with that particular person. I
could think of a few others who might have had some pertinent
information, and thus made that suggestion. But again I was told the
same, "Phone so-and-so!" For the second time I asked why, not seeing
any point in it. And again, for the third time, two simple words:
"Phone so-and-so!" I was about to object again when I realized that
I was arguing, and so I answered, “Okay, Jehovah. If you want me to
phone so-and-so I will do so, but I don’t understand why. If I do
get results from phoning this person I will know for a certainty
that this is from you, and that you have answered my prayer, as I
would never have thought of doing so.”
At this point I should add the little detail that I knew this person
only by the first name. As it happened, I had run into so-and-so in
a shopping Mall a short time before this, we talked briefly and I
was handed the person's phone number. At the time I did not
understand why as I had no reason or intention to ever phone
so-and-so. Now, since I still had the number in my wallet, I
immediately did as I was instructed. Without going into any details
I would just like to say that I got exactly the information that I
needed. Thus, before the day was over I had a confession from my
former wife, whom I had phoned with the evidence. She even told me
that if the elders did not believe that she had confessed they could
phone her and she would verify it. I was also recording the
conversation just in case.
Now something became very obvious to me. I could not claim that this
had just been a wonderful coincidence that I was able to get this
information. It would never have occurred to me to get in touch with
this particular person who was able to provide just what I needed,
which no one else could have. I had been so incredulous that I had
told Jehovah that if I was going to get any result from getting in
touch with this individual, I would positively know that this was
from him. Now that I had the prayed for result, and that even within
a few hours, how could I say that Jehovah does not do these things?
I realized that that would have been inexcusable.
This also made me realize that since Jehovah had helped me in this
particular instance, and in such an obviously amazing way; then what
happened seven years before, in connection with that Memorial in
1983 in Greece, when he answered my concern regarding 1935; and
about “having already done that” for me in connection with an angel
appearing as proof; all that clearly must also have been from him,
including all the blessings I received over the years in answer to
my specific prayers in connection with my choosing.
It seemed that Jehovah had patiently and lovingly, and in anger,
maneuvered me into a situation where I would finally understand and
cooperate with the leading of his spirit. What amazing love and
forbearance on his part. And I did not miss the purpose of the
lesson this time, at the same time also appreciating the great value
and importance of the choosing, which Jehovah does not quickly
remove from someone. (All this has made me appreciate more why Saul
was rejected, who had been chosen by God to be king over his people
Israel. It was not because of his being “little in his own eyes,”
such as when he was hiding among the luggage when about to be made
king; but rather because he rebelled against God’s orders after he
had become king. —1 Samuel 10:22-24; 13:13,14; 15:17, 22,23)
This one event was the beginning of finally helping me to understand
the blessings I did not understand nor properly appreciate before
this time, due to my lack of faith. And my lack of faith had been
influenced to a great extent by what we are taught within God’s
household. Jehovah’s anger blazed against me, but I came to realize
that if he was enraged with me, then most certainly he will also
deal with those who are responsible for teaching us things that we
put so much faith in, but which in actuality hinder us from being
obedient. (Matt. 15:3-9; Luke 12:47,48; James 3:1)
Finally, I accepted my hope as being from Jehovah, and partook of
the emblems at the Memorial. With my partaking I was expecting to
have returned to me all those wonderful blessings which had
energized me throughout those years. But I was sadly mistaken. Life
has been a real struggle. Instead of being the example I thought the
chosen ones should be, I have become an example to most of what one
shouldn’t be. My whole understanding of what the choosing is all
about has changed from my previous naďve ideas. I have come to
understand that it pleases Jehovah to choose the foolish and weak,
the ignoble and those looked down upon, "in order that no flesh
might boast in the sight of God," although it might cause him a lot
of frustration dealing with ones such as I am. (1 Cor. 1:26-29) A
chosen one by Jehovah does not have to be an elder, give public
talks or be used on Assembly programs. Neither does he have to be
working in the Bethel, be a Circuit Overseer, a missionary or a
special pioneer. Where did I ever get those ideas from? But there is
still much to learn.
* * * * *
In Conclusion:
After I lost all the wonderful blessings that I had enjoyed until
1983, I came to the conclusion that I had been nothing but a
disappointment to Jehovah, and a failure in living up to my desire
of seeking first the kingdom, in spite of my faith and best efforts.
I kept asking myself, what should I have done different, and when
should I have done it? I had a deep yearning to go back once more
into that stadium, and stand on the spot where I was that day back
in July of 1961, and reflect on the moment when I met that elderly
white haired brother, who, while holding my hand had told me that I
was a chosen one; and then vanished. If only I had held onto his
hand until he told me who he was and what he meant. Returning to the
stadium, though, seemed out of the question because it was no longer
in use, being in disrepair and boarded up.
Then, in July 1991, we had a Convention in Vancouver, B.C., in the
newer Pacific Coliseum, only a short walk from where the stadium was
located. Its field was now used for overflow parking for the
convention delegates. It was Sunday, the last day of the Convention,
and exactly thirty years to the day of my baptism. Since I was
directed to park on that field, I saw the opportunity to return once
more to the place inside the stadium, which I did at the noon break.
It was a short walk of about two city blocks. Because of the bad
condition the stadium was in, everything looked different from the
way I remembered it, and I had difficulty at first in finding the
spot that I was looking for, the particular pillar near what used to
be the main entrance. Once I was sure that I had found it, I stood
there and poured out my heart to Jehovah, telling him how
disappointed I was with myself, and I apologized profusely for
having been such a disappointment to him since I last prayed to him
on this same spot thirty years earlier. For about fifteen minutes I
recounted all my mistakes and shortcomings, telling him what a
failure I had been in wanting to seek first the kingdom, judging by
the results; and that I might as well give up on myself. I felt
Had I been using the years in order to pursue a career and make a
success in accumulating material possessions, I could at least
apologize for that and promise to do better from now on. But what
could I say after having tried my very best in rendering sacred
service, and yet still fail at it. How could I promise to try again
and do better if I had already given my best? As it was, I had
succeeded only in offending him. At least, that was how I saw it.
As I closed my prayer and started to walk back towards the
Convention site, I heard very clearly within me (as had
happened on two previous occasions): "You have not been a failure. I
have been forming you and refining you. Be patient!"
That was the last
time I had such an experience.
Those words have sustained me through the most difficult times
since then. It has
also helped me to readjust my thinking as to why we are
allowed to undergo hardships. We need to be refined and made choice
of, even "in the furnace of affliction." (Isaiah 48:10) The
affliction has included my second wife leaving me in 2002, after twelve
years of marriage, as she had come to the conclusion that I had
turned apostate, for I no longer was accepting everything presented
in the Watchtower as being in agreement with the Scriptures. She
became particularly disturbed over my website. I am sure the elders in her new
congregation congratulated her for her loyalty to Jehovah. Also some
of my relatives are avoiding me because of the things they have
heard about me, although I have not spoken to them about the things
I have come to know. But these things are to be expected for Jesus
spoke of it. (Matt. 10:34-36; John 16:1-4)
I now appreciate the importance of accepting my choosing, knowing
that it is from Jehovah, no matter what any man says; and to yield
to the leading of his holy spirit by not grieving it; for it wasn’t
until I did so that Jehovah could use me to care for his sheep, the
purpose of any choosing by him. In a short time I came to understand
things that used to puzzle me, such as what it is that makes us—Jehovah’s witnesses—God’s people, and not any other religion(s).
After all, God is the one who decides what is involved in worshiping
him “with spirit and truth.” (John 4:23,24) And he tells us that
anyone not listening to him is simply not recognized by him, even if
that one is found within his temple, among his people. (Matt.
13:40-43; 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 1 Peter 4:17-19)
We are living in "critical times hard to deal with." (2 Tim.
3:1-7) All the things the Scriptures foretold concerning the "last
days" we are now experiencing within God's own household. Many have
become discouraged, perhaps even confused, by the puzzling and
troubling developments, and have stumbled by giving up, no longer
recognizing that God has a people, his house. But is that not the
very reason Jesus said that we need to endure to the end? (Matt.
24:11-13) Jehovah still deals with his people according to the
arrangement that he himself put in place at Pentecost, when he laid
the foundation of his temple, and then immediately proceeded to
built upon it. That has not changed. He has foretold that he will
judge his household even before he does the world. He will cleanse
us and refine us, because he loves us.
Although I have
personally experienced Jehovah's care in a wonderful way over many
years, I know that there are many others who can say the same.
He cares for each one of his sheep on an individual basis, and we
can be certain that the best is yet ahead for all of us, when he
ushers in his kingdom. Jehovah is blessing all who are loyal to him
and his only true worship; and who are patiently enduring by waiting
for him to act according to his promises.
I have tried to keep this account as condensed as possible. There is
so much more that I could add to it, especially about our
experiences in Greece, such as our bible study with
the chief of
police in our district, and the resultant protection we enjoyed;
the attempts by the priests to get us
expelled from the country and how it turned to our advantage;
Jehovah's protection from the groups the priests had formed in
various villages to beat us up and run us out of their village, like
the one time when a sister with us was chased by a man wielding an
axe; my wife's affliction by the demons and
how Jehovah helped me to identify the source of the problem and
happened when I acted on the information; to mention just a few
subjects. (For more experiences see the links in the panel on the
left of this page.)
I hope that others may find
encouragement in realizing that Jehovah is very much involved with
his people today, and if he has blessed me in some way then he will
certainly bless others even more. I also pray that others will learn by
not imitating my lack of faith in not accepting blessings that we
have been told Jehovah no longer does or gives. Many lost out in Jesus' day because of their lack of faith, for
they could not be convinced that God was still doing the things he
had done in the time of their prophets, and so they rejected God's
own son in spite of all the miracles he performed. Of course, that was because the people
preferred to listen to their religious leaders rather than to God.
But that has always been the case with his people. Jehovah has still much to teach us, but
do we listen?