Using Google Translate
Does the message get lost in the Translation?
In order to test the quality of Google Translation, I have translated John 3:16-17 into 22 random languages, starting with English into French; and then French into Greek; and Greek into German; and German into Albanian; etc. etc., until after twenty-two translations (with Latin as the last one) the result is quite interesting:
We start with
John 3:16-17 in the
English language,
which reads:
“For God so loved
the world, that He gave
His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes
in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For
God did
not send the Son into the world to
judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him." (New
American Standard Bible)
. . . and after 22
translations, we end up with this Scripture:
"God, loses life in Stranglehold is not a decrease. God into the world to
condemn the world, who sent his son was not beloved country of his son into
the world. It can not be saved."
(Note: Fonts in some Languages may not display in all Browsers.)
"Car Dieu a tellement aimé le monde, qu'il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croque en lui ne périsse pas, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle. Car Dieu n'a pas envoyé le Fils dans le monde pour juger le monde, mais que le monde soit sauvé par lui.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life: for God hath not sent the Son into the world to Judge the world, but let the world be saved by it.
from French to Greek
«Για το Θεό τόσο αγαπούσε ο κόσμος που έδωσε το μονογενή του Υιό, ότι όποιος κρίσιμες στιγμές σ 'αυτόν δεν πρέπει να χαθεί αλλά έχουν αιώνια ζωή. Για Θεός δεν έστειλε τον Υιό στον κόσμο για να κρίνει τον κόσμο, αλλά ότι ο κόσμος θα μπορούσε να σωθεί μέσα από αυτόν.
"For God so loved the world that gave His only Son, that any critical moments to Him should not be lost but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son to the world to judge the world, but that the world could be saved through him.
from Greek to
„Denn Gott die Welt so geliebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gezeugt, damit jeder, knirscht in ihm nicht zugrunde geht, sondern das ewige Leben haben. Denn Gott nicht seinen Sohn in die Welt senden, um die Welt zu richten, sondern damit die Welt durch ihn gerettet werden könnten.
"For God so loved the world, that He begat His only Son, that every one who crunches in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. For God would not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
from German to Albanian
"Sepse Perëndia e deshi aq botën që i lindi Birin e tij të vetëmlindurin, që, kushdo që crunches nuk mund të humbur në të, por të ketë jetë të përjetshme. Sepse Perëndia nuk e dërgoi Birin e vet në botë që ta dënojë botën, por që bota të shpëtohet prej tij.
"For God so loved the world that gave birth to his only begotten Son, that whoever crunches can not be lost in it, but have everlasting life: for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, But that the world may be saved by it.
from Albanian to Finish
"Sillä niin on Jumala maailmaa rakastanut, että kantoi ainokaisen Poikansa, ettei yksikään rutistus ei voi kadottaa, vaan saisi iankaikkisen elämän. Sillä ei Jumala lähettänyt Poikaansa maailmaan tuomitsemaan maailmaa, vaan pelastamaan maailma hänen kauttansa.
"For so hath God loved the world, bearing his only begotten Son, that no ruthlessness may perish, but having eternal life: for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
from Finish to Armenian
«Որովհետեւ Աստված այնպես սիրեց աշխարհը, որ ծնեց իր միածին Որդին, որ ոչ մեկը crunches չի կարող պարտվել, հապա ունենայ յաւիտենական կեանքը: Որովհետեւ Աստուած ղրկեց իր Որդին, ոչ դեպի աշխարհ, որ դատապարտի աշխարհը, այլ, որպէսզի փրկեմ աշխարհը նրա միջոցով.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that no one may be crushed, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
from Armenian to Arabic
"هكذا أحب الله العالم حتى انه اعطى ابنه الوحيد، أن أيا من الجرش لا يمكن أن تضيع، بل تكون له الحياة الأبدية. لأنه لم يرسل الله ابنه إلى العالم ليدين العالم بل ليخلص به العالم.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that none of the crunches could be lost, but had eternal life, for God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but to save the world.
from Arabic to Bulgarian
"Бог толкова възлюби света, че даде Своя Единороден Син, че нито един от Коремни преси не може да бъде загубено, но да има вечен живот. Защото Бог не е пратил Сина на света да съди света, но за да бъде светът спасен чрез Него.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that none of the abstinent presses can be lost, but have eternal life." For God has not sent the Son of the world to judge the world, but to save the world through Him .
from Bulgarian to Italian
"Dio ha tanto amato il mondo da dare il suo Figlio unigenito, che nessuno di scricchiolii non può essere perduto, ma abbia la vita eterna. Dio infatti non ha mandato il suo Figlio nel mondo per condannare il mondo, ma il mondo si salvi per mezzo di Lui .
"God has so loved the world to give his only begotten Son, that none of the creaking can be lost but has eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but the world is saved for Half of Him.
from Italian to Japanese
"God will not lose any of its crunch, but he has an eternal life, because God has not sent his son to the world condemning the world, but that the world can not be saved He loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, through him.
from Japanese to Hebrew
"אלוהים לא מאבד טיפה של המחנק שלו, על מנת שיהיו חיי נצח. אלוהים לא שלח את בנו אל העולם לגנות את העולם, אבל, זה לא יכול להיות שהעולם יישמר את, הוא ככל נתן לנו את בנו האחד והיחיד שלו, היה אהוב בעולם. דרכו.
God did not let his son go to the world to condemn the world, but, it can not be that the world will be saved, he gave us his one and only son, was loved in the world. His way.
from Hebrew to Norwegian
"Gud ikke miste en dråpe choking hans for å få evig liv. Gud sendte ikke sin Sønn til verden for å dømme verden, men det kan ikke være at verden vil bli lagret i, er som ga oss sin eneste sønn av hans var elsket over hele verden. måte.
"God does not lose a drop of his choking to have eternal life. God did not send his Son to the world to judge the world, but it may not be that the world will be saved in, who gave us his only son of his loved one World wide. Way.
from Norwegian to
"God nie 'n druppel verstik sy verloor die ewige lewe kan hê. God het nie sy Seun in die wêreld gestuur om die wêreld te veroordeel nie, maar dit kan nie gebeur dat die wêreld gered sal word om, is wat ons sy enigste seun gegee het van sy kon geliefde van wêreldwyd. wyse.
"God does not choke a drop, his loss may have eternal life. God has not sent His Son into the world to condemn the world, but it can not happen that the world will be saved, what is our only son Gave from his beloved world wide. Wise.
from Afrikaans to Chinese
"God is not choking the fall may have lost his eternal life. God has his son to the world to condemn the world, but it can not be the world that will be preserved, is our only son to give him the world's beloved .the way.
from Chinese to Georgian
"ღმერთი არ არის choking შემცირება შეიძლება დაკარგა მარადიული ცხოვრება. ღმერთმა თავისი ძე სოფლად, დაგმოს მსოფლიოში, მაგრამ ეს არ შეიძლება ამ სამყაროში იქნება შენახული არის ჩვენი ერთადერთი ვაჟი მის საყვარელ სოფელსა . გზა.
"God is not a choking reduction that can have everlasting life, God has his Son in the world to condemn the world, but it can not be saved in this world is our only son in his beloved village.
from Georgian to Spanish
"Dios no es una reducción de asfixia se puede perder la vida eterna. Dios envió a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, pero no se puede guardar en este mundo es nuestro único hijo de su amado país. Camino.
God has not lost a little inadequate, but has eternal life, perhaps, his only son for us, I love this world. God sent His Son into the world to condemn cosmology cosmology, the world can be saved.
from Spanish to Hindi
"भगवान घुटन की कमी अनन्त जीवन खो सकते हैं नहीं है। भगवान ने दुनिया में अपने पुत्र को भेजा दुनिया की निंदा करने के लिए, लेकिन इस दुनिया में नहीं बचाया जा सकता है अपनी प्रेयसी देश के हमारे इकलौते बेटे। रास्ता।
"God sent his Son into the world to condemn the world, but he can not be saved in this world is our only son of his beloved country." God is not a reduction of suffocation can lose eternal life.
from Hindi to Dutch
"God is geen reductie van verstikking kunnen het eeuwige leven verliezen. God Zijn Zoon in de wereld om de wereld te veroordelen, maar kan niet worden opgeslagen in deze wereld is onze enige zoon van zijn geliefde land. Way.
"God is not a reduction of choking can lose eternal life. God His Son in the world to condemn the world but can not be saved in this world is our only son of his beloved country. Way.
from Dutch to Korean
"하나님은 영원한 생명을 잃을 수 있습니다 질식의 감소가 아닙니다. 하나님은 세상을 정죄하는 세계에 자신의 아들을 보냈지 만,이 세상에서 자신의 사랑하는 나라의 유일한 아들. 방법이다 저장할 수 없습니다.
"God can lose eternal life is not a reduction of suffocation.God sent his Son to the world condemning the world, but is the only son of his beloved kingdom in this world.
from Korean to Hungarian
„Isten elveszíti az örök élet nem csökkenését okozta fulladás. Isten a világba, hogy elítélje a világot, ő elküldte fiát, az egyetlen fia, az ő szeretett ország a világon. Hogy nem lehet menteni.
"God will lose the eternal life, not a reduction of the drowning caused by suffocation. God into the world to condemn the world, he sent his son, his only son, his beloved country in the world. That can not be saved.
from Hungarian to Russian
«Бог теряет удушение вечной жизни не вызвано уменьшением. Бог в мир, чтобы судить мир, он послал свой сын, единственный сын своей любимой страны в мире. Это не может быть сохранен.
"God loses the strangulation of eternal life is not caused by diminution. God in the world to judge the world, he sent his son, the only son of his beloved country in the world. This can not be saved.
from Russian to Latin
"Deus loses vitam aeternam in Stranglehold non est causa per diminutionem. Deus in mundum, ut judicet mundum, qui misit filium suum, et non amas, patria primarius filium suum in mundum. Non potest salvus erit.
"God, loses life in Stranglehold is not a decrease. God into the world to condemn the world, who sent his son was not beloved country of his son into the world. It can not be saved.