I just wanted to say thank you for
all the excellent information you have posted in your site. It has been of great
help for me. I have read almost all the articles and they felt like fresh water
in a hot day. I specially apreciate that you have posted your own experience. .
My husband and I appreciate your
hard work and effort to try and be of help to Jehovah's lost, hurt, abandoned
and ailing people. You've got beautiful points that you share on your website
that has helped me and which I've shared to others as well.
Dear Perimeno, Please keep up the
good work ! I echo the same sentiments as you. Jehovah is the True God and this
is Jehovah's true organisation consisting of imperfect people. . .
My husband and I are fully aware of
TTATT (the truth about the truth), but we still have total faith that JWs
are God's household. We went through a difficult period but now our faith is
stronger than when we were unaware of the impending judgment upon us. Yes the
daily Bible reading was essential - but it's also writings like yours that
helped us make the transition with our faith in tact. Our mission now is to hang
in there out of our love for God's true people, hidden in a field of corrupt and
abusive weeds, of which I sometimes feel we have been dealt more than our fair
share. . .
As one of those sheep, I've learned there is no substitute for reading &
studying my Bible, which I do every day. But there is also something so very
satisfying and reassuring whenever I see a new one of your posts. I am certain
others feel the same. It tells us yes, there are still faithful anointed here on
this earth, faithfully carrying out their assignment while awaiting the Master's
I have yet to go through all of your information but some of the things your
sharing are thoughts I have had. As I read more and check it I hope you prove to
be truly sharing truths. It is a struggle I try hard not to get carried away
with new ideas I don't want to just validate my own thinking. You have a deep
understanding I hope to validated much as I can with God's word.
From what I have been reading you do not condemn the org completely. Were you
ever labeled an apostate by the congregation or just by your wife. And are you
currently associating. It brings me much pain and fear to have ideas that are
not in harmony with the rest of my brothers but a I am more fearful of Jehovah
then men but this brings me much conflict. Thank you I look forward to reading
more of your writings
Perimeno, please look at the Bible
again apart from the WT influence. When Jesus spoke about the faithful and
discreet slave, he was talking about ALL of us as followers of Christ. He was
simply asking who of us will be discreet (wise) and faithful. There is no class
of men called the faithfull and discreet slave! It all fits together when you
begin to understand that there was never a two class hope, but only one. the two
hopes was bought about by Rutherford, a drunkard, womanizing, liar, self
glorifying unrighteous bully who went far beyond the scriptures predicting 1925,
writing non scriptural deception like the finished mystery, he was put in place
by Satan not God, in order to deceive even the holy ones if possible. . .
Jehovah's witnesses are Part of Babylon. They have turned over all freedom in
Christ to a group of men. Claim that you just "come to Jehovah's organization
for salvation." You claim only they can understand the Bible. If you don't obey
them you'll die in Armageddon.
I used to be a JW. God lead me to the truth when I read the Divine Plan of the
Ages and realized that God has a plan for ALL mankind. Not just those who join
the organization. . .
When I was a JW it was so
boring and basic. Jesus never promised an earthly inheritance to any of his
followers. He came to call the bride. That's why you don't see Jesus disciples
discussing themselves living on the earth. It's not the hope for called
Christians. So in essence you're preaching another gospel. Your religion says if
you don't obey them you'll die the second death at Armageddon. That's a cult my
friend. Jehovah doesn't have an organization.
Dear Brother. If I just said Thank
you, would you know the depth of that thanks and the peace it has brought to me?
Then know if fully. May Jehovah bless you.
Your Bible research are really
invigorating, an incredible amount of works. No subject is taboo. I feel like a
student on his first day of school, even if i’m 56. It’s like self-serve buffet
... a table full of documents of different subjects. And like this type of
restaurant, my stomach is full of tastefull delicassy. . . I have access to
fresh scriptural view for a lot of legitimate questions, the ones you’re
forbidden to ask, it’s like when I had my first encounters with the Jehovah
Witness at age of 20. You’ve wrote this “will be beneficial and of encouragement
only to those who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that
are being done.” That's exactly the effect it has on me with all the scriptures
you put. You wrote, “I trust that if this has Jehovah's blessing then he will
direct anyone who needs encouragement to this site.” That’s exactly what’s
happened with me. I’m very touched that with only one intense prayer to Jehovah,
the same day He agree to put me on your website, in the sea of thousands of
websites to find proofs and answers about my attacked faith, I finally found a
relief. . . Thanks for your courage and faith to be an instrument in the hand of
Hello, I have found your very
interesting site and understand all that you say. I was baptised in 1971 and
have been drifting these last years for the very reasons you show here. However,
bluntly put, after the beating I have taken from the watchtower, tell me how I
can put faith in what you promulgate as the true interpretation of scripture? I
can check what you say in the scripture, but as I don't have inspiration, though
what is said may seem reasonable, it is not necessarily so. Satan deceives the
watchtower and millions of Jehovah's people, he can deceive me can he not.
Perimeno replies: We can know the truth. Jesus said: "If
you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31,32) Remaining in Jesus'
word rules out "going beyond the things that are written." (1 Cor. 4:6) Unless
we know the truth, we cannot worship the Father "with spirit and truth." (John
4:23,24) The apostle Paul explains that God gives us his holy spirit to teach us
the truth, "even the deep things of God," which a physical man does not receive
"for they are foolishness to him." (1 Cor. 2:10, 14; John 14:16,17, 26) We are
obligated to "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with
God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world." With the help
of the holy spirit we are able to distinguish between "the inspired expression
of truth and the inspired expression of error." (1 John 4:1, 6; compare 1 Tim.
4:1,2; 2 Peter 2:1-3)
I've been viewing your site for
quite some time now, and I do agree with the majority of your conclusions. Other
things I am on the fence about. I absolutely think that you are sincere in your
conclusions, and certainly are not tinged by an apostate attitude. It's also
obvious that you do not have an axe to grind against the WTBS.
I enjoy your articles very thought
provoking and agree with what you write! I totally agree, with your thoughts
about 1914, and the man of lawlessness. I see that an internal ministry is
something I'm focusing on. My goal is to help ones little by little to be better
bible students, so the shock doesn't stumble them.
Just a short note to tell you how
much I appreciated the information regarding the king of the north and king of
the south. I had come to the same conclusion about the identity of the king of
the north some years ago but wasn't sure about the king of the south. Your
explanation not only has helped me clear up some questions about the king of the
south but it has also helped me better appreciate a facet of God's personality
of how he keeps his promises even after thousands of years, like when he gave
the promised land to Abraham and his seed, and how he foretold the continuous
struggle over that land by the two kings after the Jews were driven off their
inheritance. Interesting how it is still being fought over in our day.
After many prayers my husband came
across your site, where we found the answers to many of our questions and why
things are happening in the congregations. Preaching is being emphasized by the
Society as the most important thing, but many young ones and older ones are
being discouraged and are leaving from the back door because not enough
attention, that is showing love, being interested in them is given to those
already attending meetings whilst it is true that few new ones are coming, but
we cannot tell how many are leaving in comparison of new ones coming in. We have
found more and more that we cannot agree with all what the Society teaches
because many articles now make claims or statements without scriptural backing
or reasonable references. Of course this does not negate the many good
principles encouraged, which if we put these into practice then things go well
with us. But we now both read the Bible even more to check the basis for the
claims and statements made and we prefer to be guided by God’s word rather than
men’s rules. As you rightly say we have to make sure of the things and be
patience and trust in Jehovah.
Your writings give me the anchor I
need in my faith. They refresh me and inform me of what is right. For example,
your answers to questions such as the blood issue and disfellowshipping and
punishment is incredibly balanced, proper and absolutely spirit lead. In fact
they reaffirm my own position in these areas. It took me some 20 years to come
to these very balanced conclusions. How I wish the GB would take note and
enlighten us by feeding us (CORRECT) food at the right time as you do. May God
bless you my brother. Please continue to strengthen the brothers who want to
follow the true God YHWH and his beloved son, our reigning King Jesus Christ;
and not be stumbled by the obvious and questionable errors of the GB.
Thank you so much for this awesome
spiritual food (yum), I love this stuff, solid food you can really chew on. This
information proves beyond a doubt the inspiration of the Bible and how
harmonious God's word is. Satan tries so hard to hide the truth even attacking
the bible but with holy spirit and a humble mind the truth will always reach our
hearts. . .
For many in God's Household 2014 was a momentous year marking 100 years of
kingdom rule. 2014 was certainly a momentous year for me, one i shall always
remember, as it marked the realization Kingdom Rule has not yet begun. It's also
the year i came to realize how powerful Holy Spirit really is in our life, not
something that comes through the 'channel' of men.
It also marks the beginning of a
friendship that has had a profound effect on my life for the better. Your
friendship and your knowledge of God's word has turned me from leaving God's
Household to cherishing it. Thank you my dear friend.
I'm not sure how to approach you...I
don't know if you respond to individual e-mails privately...or only on your
web-site...or not at all. A couple of years ago ...after a period of intense
Bible study...and finding things which troubled me...I prayed "what do I do
now?" The next morning I was looking for Internet info about some matters...and
found....your web-site. Probably coincidence, eh?
But I found that YOU were also
troubled by some things...although not the same things...and you advised people
who were JW's to stay in the congregation. And I'm still there...and I still
read your stuff. . .
I came across your site many years
ago after searching for the real truth after being stumbled so badly by the
organisation, I nearly lost my life to the New Age religion both spiritually and
literally. Jehovah heard my cries for help and my desperation to know the truth,
because I could both see and feel that something was not right within Gods
household. When I came across your site all those years ago, it confirmed my
findings and have since tried to help others who have also been stumbled, and
who satan tries us their stumbling for his own gain. But I find the information
I know both a blessing and a burden, as it has left me isolated, I can't speak
openly about what I know in fear of being viewed as an apostate or stumbling
those who are not ready to know. I long to have association or share with others
who see and feel what I do. As these days draw near I feel the division getting
wider as the separating work takes place. I feel i'm alone in this wilderness, I
love sharing this news when the opportunity arises but it's not often. Do you
know of a forum or website where others like us gather, I know yours is a
wonderful site, but I need communication with brothers and sisters who know the
whole truth.
Dear Perimeno, This mornings
Watchtower, "keep moving ahead with Jehovah's organisation", and it's linking of
Jehovah's blessing and spiritual reward with loyally following the organisation,
disturbed me greatly. I had to fight from making comment about it during the
meeting. After the meeting I mentioned to an Elder that I found the article
bordering on teaching Idolatry. That if Jesus at Mark 10:18 refused to accept
praise from men and acknowledge himself as "good", the why does the organisation
persist in elevating itself and requiring the congregation to recognise it in
ways unsupported by scripture? We had a long chat afterwards where I was
cautioned for my views.
You encourage Witnesses to continue
with the organisation. Can the organisation speak from both corners of its
mouth, teach healthful things and harmful things? How does one coexist in the
congregation, remain active congregationally and remain untainted by offering
implicit or indirect support to these teachings and associated attitudes and
remain true to worshiping God in Spirit and Truth?
Perimeno replies:
The purpose of my website is to draw attention to the prophecies that foretold
the condition within God's household that we are experiencing today, and explain
why it exists, otherwise, "how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must
take place this way?" (Matt. 26:54) Jehovah is judging his own house before he
executes his judgment upon the nations. (1 Peter 4:17-19; Dan. 12:9,10; Matt.
13:40-43) Rather than allow ourselves to be stumbled into leaving our
congregation, we should make certain at this time that we are worshiping God
"with spirit and truth." (John 4:23) Jesus said that when we see these things
occurring, it is the time for us to "raise ourselves erect and lift our heads
up, because our deliverance is getting near." (Luke 21:28; Mal. 3:14-18; 2 Thess.
2:9-12; 2 Tim. 3:1-7)
Perimeno, I wanted to express my gratitude to you and more importantly to our
Creator, Jehovah God for your encouraging message. I believe that it was no
accident that I stumbled across your site. I have struggled for years with
various aspects of the manner in which we are instructed regarding certain
matters. . . I share your faith in God's message for us as found in His Word. So
much of the Bible is simple and straightforward and should be accepted as such.
I've been
hammering away at your website for about 3 to 4 weeks now, and its been
thrilling to learn these new truths. ... Its obvious your research is not based
on ego or attaining prominence but a deep seated love for truth, an expounding
love for your brothers, and of course love for Jehovah, so please accept my
thanks and deep appreciation for your excellent research into scripture.
I've found your
site to be a source of encouragement, particularly since reading "crisis of
conscience" I can see how the man of lawless has been operating. You have to
ponder how many of our brothers have read this publication without knowing the
identity of the man of lawlessness and have had their faith stolen from them? No
wonder Jesus will say get away from me you workers of lawlessness.
If the governing body was truly the faithful slave they would recall all the
"kingdom proclaimers" books and insist that everybody read "crisis of
conscience" to see how the governing body operates and then apologies to all the
brothers who's lives they have destroyed.
Thank you very
much for taking the time to develop your website. Reading it is contributing to
the maintenance of my sanity on the one hand, and helps me understand why things
are the way they are on the other hand. . .
Finding you on
the Internet, reading your story and knowing that you have reached the same
conclusions about many so scriptures and concepts about the organization and the
GB has been like drinking a fresh glass of water in a desert’s oasis along with
a long waited friend. . .
From the bottom
of our hearts, brother, thank you so much for your web site and for sharing your
thoughts, conclusions, and experiences with us. Please, keep up the good work
and be aware that it is, has been, and always be very much appreciated. May
Jehovah keep blessing you and your work and all those who are longing for His
time to come.
Thank you for
your interesting viewpoints and references to scripture which have inspired me
to deepen my personal study and prove by reference many beliefs and concepts I
have taken for granted. I particularly found a sense of grounding with your
views on baptism. It has always puzzled me why is advertised as "in symbol of
our dedication" when there are no scriptures to back that up. In my current
congregation, I go over the baptism questions with many students and I'm much
more relaxed about letting those who love Jehovah get baptized rather than
quizzing them in those grueling question sessions.
Thank you so
very much for your site. I needed this tonight and to trust in Jehovah is what I
am working on.
Recently, I
found myself questioning my spiritual path based on the 'new teachings'.
[Watchtower July 15, 2013] After reading both your articles on 'Being Patient
and Trust Jehovah' and 'The Faithful and Discreet Slave' I have found renewed
peace within myself and will wait on Jehovah. Awesome, writing. Thank you,
again! It's exaclty what I needed, now I can focus on my ministry.
Your articles
are what has kept me in pursuance of the truth. I ask all the time 2 things from
Jehovah: to please forgive me when I forget to pray to him each day, and to
thank him as far as He can see deep in my heart how much I sincerely appreciate
Him sending me over to your site!
May Jehovah
continue to bless you, too, through-out these last days. For you are certainly
an excellent chain of good food and agape!!
I have been studying with a friend
of mine who has been a witness since she was little, it took years of us being
friends for me to agree to a study (was raised in a non denominational Christian
church, many men in my family have been preachers, and I was taught that the
Jehovahs Witnesses were a cult). After about a year of studying with her and
going to the Kingdom Hall, I had found some peace but there were still some
things I couldn't get over, such a strong feeling inside I could not let go
I had a feeling that I wasn't
serving Jehovah in a way that was pleasing to him...At that point I stopped
studying and going to meetings...I recently told [my friend] I wanted to start
studying again, I longed for that peace and encouragement, but after a couple of
studies I felt I couldn't bring my thoughts to her in the right way, I prayed to
Jehovah, to show me what he wants me to do, I whole heartedly want to serve him
correctly and have him be pleased and call me his.
I felt I needed to study on my own
I had been using my old kj bible and my nwt bible and thought there has to be
something I'm missing, I stumbled upon your website and instantly after reading
your insights and the TRUTHs you speak, I feel I am now well on my way to being
in the truth. If you could give some encouragement and advise as to how to serve
Jehovah and talk to my friend. Should I continue my studies with her? Should I
go to meetings at the Kingdom Hall? I don't want to willingly be worshiping
Jehovah in ways that are not pleasing to him.
You are certainly a brother who
wants to serve our Creator with spirit and truth as your articles have shown and
I appreciate them very much.
I just need to say that I am now
"addicted" to your website and have been studying the articles daily, and have
read at least ten so far. I am copying them into documents, saving them in my
"Make Sure" file. . . I am grateful that Jehovah led me to your website, and by
reading the comments from visitors, most of us are benefitting from your
efforts, and the minority who are critical, just don't fully understand yet.
chronology had me hung up 607 587 70 ce any dates actually. this actually
preoccupied my time as I would read hours at a time on different theories of
these dates. Long story short your articles on 607 was actually the best
explanation ever and I feel at peace with this and am really not trying to get
stuck on dates. Hope to stick to this I am somewhat OCD about these things.
Thank you for helping me get my spiritual balance back!!! Service has actually
been fun and enjoyable, and the first time in 30 years in truth I feel a real
love for our Grand Creator and his son!
I very much enjoy coming to your
website and reading all that I can comprehend regarding Jehovah’s voice within
your words. Jehovah has certainly blessed you with simple, yet comprehensive
reasoning. I appreciate all the scriptures you render with every article and
look forward to surfing your site to continue my studies, thank you.
Perimeno replies:
"Jesus said to them: 'He that is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is
why you do not listen, because you are not from God.' In answer the Jews said to
him: 'Do we not rightly say, You are a Samaritan and have a demon?'" (John 8:42,
I've scrupulously cross checked
some of your work, and I've found it all to be in harmony with logic, reason,
and most importantly scripture. You are much appreciated!!
I want to thank you for your site
and the heavy burden of guilt and self-remonstration you have lifted off my
shoulders. I want you to know that I am disfellowshipped, and if you now proceed
to immediately delete this message, I will understand; but I had to let you know
that you have removed many barriers to my returning to Jehovah thanks to your
returning to scripture, and I hope that He remembers you with love. Please
continue with your work. It is important to those who need to know the truth.
Thank you so much for posting your
Food for Thought comments. I especially like the one from 5/22 about maintaining
our love. Since I find myself discouraged about field service activity, I have
focused my "ministry" on those within the congregation, really getting to know
them and reaching out to those who are usually on the fringes. It has been both
satisfying and productive. Thanks for the encouragement!
Good morning brother, I got up this
morning and I was googling having faith in Jehovah and came across your website.
The title of the article is "Be Patient and Trust Jehovah", I know this was
Jehovah's spirit leading me to this site. I've been in such despair for the past
year and yesterday got an even worse outcome from a case . . . and my thoughts
and heart were on it's last string... Uncertainty weighed me down and I've had
my share of trials but never lost my faith in Jehovah until yesterday so I thank
you so much brother for this article. Putting things in perspective and making
me see Jehovah's way is remarkable. My local brothers and sisters have been more
than helpful. I think I just let the weight of everything deter me. I see how
Jehovah works in so many ways and thru so many different people. Your article
has helped me to see things the way I know they are and has helped me to adjust
my thinking. I prayed and prayed asking for forgiveness for being uncertain. I
stumbled but just being able to read Jehovah's words in just this short amount
of time has been tremendous! Thanks again brother for such encouraging words! I
know it was Jehovah's Holy spirit!
I am writing to express my
gratitude for your wonderful site. I have been visiting for awhile, along with
the few other sites out there that are upbuilding, but as often as I have
thanked Jehovah for your efforts I thought it was time I thanked you directly as
Please know that sites such as
yours are truly the only way I am able to remain in the congregation and keep
bearing up under the discouragement I sometimes feel there. I have been aware of
the problems for a long time now. I have a wonderful and loving husband who is a
"bit" aware, but still very loyal to the current "system". It is so hard to have
no one to talk to and to truly be myself and share my thoughts with. Visiting
your site is a great support and releases so much of the pressure and the
feeling that I am sometimes going crazy, and wondering "Am I the only one who is
seeing these things?" I know I am not, and it is a great help.
The one thing I would say to you
is...we need more! I visit your site so often hoping for new thoughts, even a
tidbit. Please consider adding a blog section, or something similar that you can
update fairly regularly, at least weekly. It doesn't need to be your usual
obviously well-researched articles. Even a small paragraph or thought would be
so nice to read and upbuilding.
I visit a few sites and consider
yours to be the most upbuilding. Please consider adding even a small section
that is updated more frequently.
Thank you for helping satisfy my
spiritual appetite. . .
I have come to learn and understand
things in a way that I never thought possible. It has been life changing I have
to say. . . I am so
hungry to learn more and I thought I knew a lot, funny. . .
You have made a huge impact on me
with regards to sticking with the faith; and I have always taken great
encouragement from your writings. I get the answers I need from your website and
this has helped me to maintain my faith in Jehovah. Your writings have
helped me and so many others to understand the reasons behind the problems that
exist within the society today. Your point about being careful to not
allow certain individuals within congregations stumble us; that we should never
question the fact that they still belong to Jehovah, and that Jesus is head of
them all makes perfect sense – and that they at the end of the day will have to
answer for the way they treat Gods sheep; really highlights that we need to
remain humble and patient. . .
Reliance upon Jehovah - as you
mention truly is the key; and knowing that we can count on him to never leave us
as long as we put our faith and trust in him [is] very encouraging to me.
It Is true that like the ancient Israelites who had to go through the wilderness
to be tested as to their attitude toward God - that we too are undergoing a
test which is as you say ‘revealing our attitude towards Jehovah and our faith
and obedience to him’. . .
Let me just say that I have enjoyed
reading the articles on your website over the past few days. When reading them I
get the sense that Jehovah's spirit is with you. So many others are saying
similar things, perhaps that is not coincidental considering the times we live
in and all that's wrong with the Watchtower. The article Does God Have an
Organisation is particularly fascinating, especially the part dealing with the
man of lawlessness. . .
Hey, I read a couple of your essays. Very heartfelt. I appreciate what I am
reading. I identify with your inquistive nature. . . Well, to get to the point
through my readings I had heard mention of you, and your blog so I went and
found it. Given that Im past the informational overload and can see things more
clearly, your site was a boon! It makes my heart glad that you, and the watchman
are not asking me to oppose the organization or be rebellious. Heck, I was
thinking about not turning in time anymore, but your suggestion made me rethink
my strategy. It brings to mind the scripture about God putting those who are in
authority in there relative positions. You have a very reasonable line of
conversation and I thank you for your blog. I truly hope you find yourself in
God's favor when Gods judgement comes to his house. This is a very trying time
for Gods people and I fear it is only getting worse.
I can thank Jehovah for the
information I have discerned to be true. I have a wonderful family, and they
always encouraged my personality and let me be me. I hope that if what you two
have shown in the scriptures proves to be true, that God will use me to relay
the proper information to my loved ones. The only thing I guess I could say in
suggestion is what I think you and watchman should both keep in mind. God doesnt
save us through the watchtower, or your blog or Roberts book. He saves us
through Jesus, and the bible that points to Jesus. I find myself struggling to
stop reading your stuff and just go read a book from the bible. If I missed it,
i apologize but you guys should encourage your readers to stop reading your
stuff and go to the Bible! Again, it may very well just be me and i find myself
waste many hours on the wrong stuff sometimes, so disregard anything I say as
ignorance. Thank you for the time you are putting in!
The spirit has moved me to write
you just to let you know the joy and encouragement I receive in reading and
re-reading your website, food at the proper time. As always with a second and
third and even fourth reading I become aware of points I didn't realize with the
reading of the same article before!. . . I have come to realize what Proverbs
4:18 is truly saying, it's how I and others gain truth just a little at a time,
not all at once, but slowly and gradually truths become apparent for us, and our
path gets lighter and lighter. My words are not doing my feeling any justice
here, I can't express how your site had made me feel, how the bible fascinates
me now. I'll be reading a scripture you point out on your site and then can't
stop reading. All I want to do is read it and talk about everything I learned,
it's really hard not being able to.
My friend and I reviewed your article regarding the covenant [for a kingdom].
(Luke 22:29, Heb 9:16-17) We stayed up til 2:30 am comparing the NWT, RVSV,
LIVING, AND EVERYDAY Study bible. After much prayerful discussion, we can
CLEARLY see that you have the truth in these matters. I must admit to make sure
of these things ourselves and to have these issues put on the table is a bit
overwhelming emotionally! There's the old saying "the Devil's in the details" in
this instance it's literal. Where is the love of the truth? Where is the love of
people? Where is the love of Jehovah and his dear Son?!
For the longest time I have been
trying to put my finger on what it is that is troubling me with the Watchtower
Organization. After a perusal of your website it became clear what it is. For
example in the September 15, 2010 W (Study Edition) on page 8 par. 7 it is
stated: "We cannot hope to acquire a good relationship with Jehovah if we ignore
those whom Jesus has appointed to care for his belongings. Without the
assistance of the F&D slave, we would neither understand the full import of what
we read in God's Word nor know how to apply it."
Where do the Scriptures say that
Jesus appointed them? They have elevated themselves above every other god.
Page 21 says: "Jehovah's Witnesses
recognize no human as their leader." Page 23 says: "by following the lead of the
modern-day Governing Body they are in fact following their Leader, Christ."
My whole body and mind, in fact my whole existence cringes from such blasphemy.
I am still listening on the tie-line when there are meetings but my stomach
feels like ......
Unfortunately they think we are all
stupid and without them we can not worship our LORD. I am so grateful to Jehovah
and Jesus that YOU exist and were able to help me.
Thank you for your website. I am
very appreciative to Jehovah and my Lord Jesus Christ to be able to review
scriptures and also read about your thinking on what the Watchtower organization
is trying to convey to their followers. I will keep on reading the information
you are sending. Again thank you.
I was over my mom's house this
weekend, and we were discussing spiritual matters and I shared with her some
information from your site about the view of the sheep in Jehovah's eye's. I
used Jesus example like you did about who is greater the one reclining at the
table or the one ministering (Luke 22:27) I told her how the sheep are the ones
"reclining" at the table and how the sheep are greater in Jehovah's eyes and
that is why he appoints minister's or Shepard's to care for them.
I also used your phrase of how the Shepard's are appointed for the sake of the
sheep not the sheep for the sake of the Shepard's (A phrase I love by the way) I
shared with her that their exaltation comes after their assignment is complete
not before. She was amazed and said what I told her was so encouraging. She like
many of our brother's and sister's feel unworthy and like second class citizens
because of Societies teaching of how we only gain salvation through the
"Faithful and discrete slave" and how Jehovah only views them as his children,
and how Jesus died only for them. I shared with her a few more points as
I'm not a person who's easily
swayed by others, I have a sometimes skeptical, analytical mind, and I find your
understanding of the scriptures to be almost mathmatical in nature. I've not
seen such accuracy since I came back in the truth and had an appreciation for
the precision we take in understanding the kingdom, soul, God's name, etc. As
you know we got off track somewhere along the line. . .
The gospel accounts highlight much
about the activities, and heart conditions of the pharisees and scribes. Their
system failed then and sadly I think that the Pharisaical elements we have today
have likewise done their corrupting work. That being said Jesus was moved with
pity when he saw these things happening, I believe that you have clearly
followed his example in this regard it is quite clear to me that you are not a
"hired man" but are doing the work of a fine shepherd!! (John 10:12)
Thank you for your words of wisdom,
encouragement and understanding! You've helped me beyond measure. I promise you
that you are no stumbling block to me, if anything you've removed some that have
been tripping me up for quite some time now. I started a study with a man I met
at the memorial, I have a renewed zeal for the preaching of the good news
despite the stumbling blocks that Jesus said were inevitably to come. You've
helped me in identifying that like Job's afflictions Jehovah was not the cause
but it was by the "operation of Satan."
I am impressed by your courage to say what you think and what many among the jws
would lack the courage to say, especially about the Governing Body. I believe
nevertheless that you too, like the Governing Body, can and do make mistakes
when it comes to interpreting the Bible. I do appreciate and admire your
intelligence, but I would just like to tell you that you are overconfident about
the exactness of your own understanding of spiritual truths. You may have a
particular position on a particular issue and even use volumes of Bible texts to
support your position, however convinced you can be, you are not necessarily
right in God 's eyes.
Perimeno replies:
Do you compare with your own Bible the "volumes of Bible texts" that I use to
support my "particular position on a particular issue"? (John 7:17; Acts 17:11;
1 John 4:1)
I am one of the ones who have been
disfellowshipped because my conscience caused me to speak my mind on the many
things that are taught by the organization that are obviously wrong. That has
cost me dearly - my wife left me and most of my friends of 35 yrs ignore me. . .
I don't feel as though I should in anyway defend or make excuses for them. . .
I'm sorry and I'm not bitter or
angry - but I disagree with you - the organization is not Jehovah's House or
Temple - there probably are individuals in the organization that will recognize
these things and come on out to his true house and his true temple. I hope this
does not upset you dear brother because from the spirit of your writings I see
you are a caring person who wants to help his fellow brothers and sisters.
Perimeno replies:
You should not be surprised that you are expelled from the Congregation for
speaking the truth. Jesus foretold it! (John 16:1-4; Matt. 10:35-38) The "man of
lawlessness," who has seated himself prominently within God's temple and
elevated himself above his people, is dealing harshly with anyone loyal to
Jehovah, just as prophesied. And no wonder, for his presence is "according to
the operation of Satan." (2 Thess. 2:3-12; 1 Peter 5:2-4; Isaiah 66:5) Because
you have been touched in a very personal and painful way, do you now conclude
that God doesn't have a temple? (1 Cor. 3:16,17) It is in regards to God's
people, his temple, that the scripture says, "God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to
believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not
believe the truth." (2 Thess. 2:11,12) Can you see that God is judging his people
in connection with how they respond to the lies they are taught, when they refuse to listen to him
but accept the lies? (Psalms 118:8,9; 146:3)
It is understandable that we become enthused when we learn the truth from God's
Word. It's like finding hidden treasure, and it brings us great joy. (Matt.
13:44-46) But are we
obligated to share it with just anyone? (Matt. 7:6; 13:11) We should
listen to Jehovah because he is "teaching you to benefit yourself." (Isaiah 48:17,18)
Rather than requiring us to expose all the lies and errors, he tells us:
“Good is Jehovah to the one hoping in him, to the soul that keeps seeking for
him. Good it is that one should wait, even silently, for the salvation of
Jehovah.” (Lam. 3:25,26; Amos 5:13) Jesus put it this way: "Prove yourselves
cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves." (Matt. 10:16,17) God's
people are God's temple. That fact does not depend on whether or not we agree
with it! (2 Cor. 6:16-18; Eph. 2:19-22) Don't allow
anyone to remove you from it! God's temple has nothing to do with having the approval
of the "man of lawlessness"!
Thank you for food at the proper
time, please continue in this regard on your site, it is more appreciated than
you know...
The information you provide is
without doubt from Jehovah, providing food at the proper time. . . I really
cannot comprehend how anyone can read your website and be stumbled or not be
convinced at what you say is truth, everything you speak fits the scriptures
like a glove. I was simply amazed at not only your understanding but how you
confirmed everything with the scriptures. The way you show how the Hebrew
scriptures are on a seamless track with the Greek scriptures was extremely
fascinating. You used Hebrew scriptures no one I have ever seen in
correspondence with the Greek scriptures like Habakkuk, Hosea, Joel, and Amos.
In all the years I been going to the hall these are books that are rarely
opened. I have two scriptures I cannot stop reading now that have become
favorites of mine, Malachi 3:14,15 and Jeremiah 5:30,31.
My mind is still in pieces after you proved through scripture how the
organization today has become the Jewish Sanhedrin in Jesus day or the nation of
Israel in the days of the Prophets, it's like history repeating itself again and
again, since I was a child I always wondered about Matthew 24:24 thinking "how
could Christendom possibly mislead a chosen one." I could not comprehend how
Christendom could accomplish this, thank you for all this insight! I understand
now that scripture was written specifically for us living in the last days, and
only a few are getting the sense of it! I feel like I am being taught all over
again. . .!
I appreciate the work you're doing.
I was an MS stepped aside because I could no longer support the "traditions of
men" as a servant you're to be "exemplary" in their eyes which often "go beyond
the things written" in the bible. As an organization we seem to be like the
Israelites in Jeremiahs day where there are two baskets of figs I appreciate the
work you've done for those among us that are thinking people need answers as to
why and where the badness is coming from because we all know that if you ask
most shephards you're bound to be labeled a rebel or apostate so again thank you
for your "good works".
Excellent breakdown of the events
and prophecies leading to the Great Tribulation and the coming of our Christ in
Jehovah day! The quotes from NWT were applied precisely as well as the ones from
other versions.
Do you have additional information? I would like to read more.
I appreciate the encouragement of
this [site] for us to continue to recognize that this is Jehovah's organization.
He will take action at his time. I am also comforted that there are others that
have made the same observations that the so called slave or governing body of
putting themselves in the position of being worshipped.
It has been an interesting and
positive few months for me. The biggest change I have noticed is a softening of
my sense of anger towards some of those in authority. I have perhaps realized,
after too many years, that my distorted attitude was grieving Jehovah's spirit,
even though I felt justified in my indignation. At the end of the day what
others do should not stumble me. Your articles have been of great benefit in
ridding me of this sense of mistrust I felt about the elders, as many of them
must struggle with the constraints they are under. Simply seeing them as fellow
slaves under our common Master, Jesus, has been a real relief to me. And has
helped to neutralize the feeling of inferiority I held for many years... Thank
you again for your encouraging articles and the relief they are bringing to many
who feel oppressed.
I have had questions but have not
been able to ask a brother or sister because i have been DF'D i went to a
meeting and saw some big changes as in who we are to obey !!!!!! I had a lot of
questions so i started to look on line and found you and your site it has been a
great find and since reading your site all i could do is cry while reading it. I
read every morning and after noon i have a lot of questions in what is going on
with the WT and the GB why so many changes and so on.
I am so thankful that Jehovah's
holy spirit has given you the courage to step out of the box (so to speak) and
find a "DISCREET" way to help many sighing and groaning over these things and to
help us understand it is not Jehovah, doing these disgusting things. You
understand what you are to do and you have found a way to do it. . . Your words
and scriptures have helped me so many times, thank you very much. I pray that
Jehovah continue to be with you as you are using what you were given to do the
work you were assigned, as the rest of us HOLD ON TIGHT TO JEHOVAH AND HIS SON
finding ways to preach the Kingdom in these troubling times Jehovah is ALLOWING.
I can not understand why some
Jehovah's Witnesses write that you are a wolf, an apostate when you obviously
have the brothers and sisters well being in your heart, and your obvious love
for Jehovah is so encouraging.
I have never read where you have said to anyone to leave the organization, in
fact you encourage the brothers to stay. They don't bother reading the
scriptures in light of the work you do, oh no they don't care if the scriptures
show that the WTBTS or GB are wrong, they worship them, and reject Jehovah's
word, these are the apostates not you.
I think those that that are so hostile to you, should themselves try and
encourage b/s rather than just show hatred to those that show their love of
truth rather than looking at mere men. These ones are the idolaters of the WTBTS
and to me are the enemies within we have to watch.
Perimeno replies:
Interestingly, those who accuse me of being apostate also usually indicate that
they do not look up the Scriptures in my articles. Do they really care what
Jehovah has to say? "So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they
may get to believing the lie." (2 Thess. 2:11) By applying this scripture to
God's people makes me an apostate to those who don't want to hear it. (Jer.
You are a wolf in among the sheep.
You are an apostate. I came here after reading on a messageboard of your web
site from someone who claims you have the truth. That someone thinks only your
group are true JWs and bashes the congregation and hides in the Kingdom Hall
waiting for the demise of the GB and JWs who will not follow you and your
movement. Reminds us of Korah and his followers.
Perimeno replies:
When throughout
their history have Jehovah's people ever listened to Him? Have they not always
persecuted those who spoke the truth? Are we today any different? (Matt.
5:11,12) The Scriptures warn that all those who fall prey to the deception of
"the man of lawlessness," operating within God's temple, will perish "as a
retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they may be
saved." Do you actually check the Scriptures to make sure of all things? (2 Thess. 2:3-12; 1 John 4:1)
How true God's words apply to us: "A horrible
and shocking thing has happened in this land—the prophets give false prophecies,
and the priests rule with an iron hand. Worse yet, my people like it that way!
But what will you do when the end comes?" (Jer. 5:30,31, NLT)
. . . you are doing such a fine job
in keeping us the domestics well informed about the developments going on the
household of the Lord, nevertheless I think we should have more material to
consider by updating the one already given by you. It has become a real source
of encouragement and knowing we count on you since I found when I needed you the
most. Please keep giving us more spiritual food so we may be able to survive
spiritually on this wicked world.
I have recently been dealing with
issues and questions similar to ones dealt with on your website, which I
happened upon during my researching. . . When I first came on to your site, I
felt immediate relief; it was like finding someone who knew exactly how I felt.
However, while I appreciate much of your statements, all in all, it leaves me
with a bad feeling. It feels as though you might be drawing disciples after
yourself, even if that is not your intention. You mention the importance of
being obedient. I agree totally. That is hard to do when having personal
disagreements and questionings, but I know that the bottom line is to stay
faithful by remaining in the congregation, and proving loyal to Jehovah by
allowing him to resolve all matters. He knows what's going on as you have
mentioned and he is right now taking care of matters that disrupt and draw
away. But caution is due, brother. Remember how Miriam and Aaron spoke out in
opposition to Moses, feeling that they too had been used by Jehovah. And Korah
and his appointed ones together spoke against Moses, saying that they too were
holy and the whole community was holy, so why should Moses 'set himself up' over
the whole assembly. Something similar is happening within God's entire
association of brothers and sisters today. Many from within are rising up in
opposition to Jehovah. These are ones in special positions of oversight, much
like Korah and his followers. It's frightening to see it happening. Many are
leaving and following ones who, like Bible examples, are drawing away many
disciples after themselves. . .
While you seem to be sincere, I feel it is having just the opposite result of
what you might have intended. It is important to be obedient to the faithful
slave, as represented by the governing body. Allow Jehovah to remove whom he
feels is causing disruption, even from with in the governing body. But we as a
whole, need to show loyalty to Jehovah and remain in the congregation, where we
can help show love and encouragement to others.
Perimeno replies:
The purpose of my website is simply to explain from the Scriptures that the
present problems we are experiencing within God's household were prophesied, and
we should therefore not be surprised or be stumbled. Many of our teachings and
traditions, which are not based on Scripture but rather on the foundation laid
by J. F. Rutherford (the Society's second president), have greatly contributed to this.
This understanding should give us the spiritual balance to endure, as Jesus said we would need
to do. (Matt. 24:13) If we reject God's word in favor of whatever it is we are
being taught by our leaders then we are no longer listening to Jehovah, and our
worship is in vain.
That is what Jesus said! (Matt.
7:21-23; 15:7-9)
You mention Korah. As you know, Korah, Dathan and Abiram coveted
Moses' glory, for they too wanted to lead God's people. (Num. 16:1-3, 12-14) In
this they rebelled against Jehovah! Jesus is the greater Moses. Who today among
God's people want share in the authority given to Jesus, insisting that
following them is the same as following Jesus? (Matt. 28:18) Who is it that says: "The
anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead
of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader,
Christ"? (Sept. 15, 2010 Study Watchtower) I certainly don't make such a
claim for myself on my site. Only the Governing Body does that! (compare 2 Thessalonians
Thank you so much for your
encouraging articles, they truly have come to me at the right time in my
spiritual growth. . .
I simply wish to say that for many years I have been in somewhat of a tail spin
spiritually because I could not reconcile the things that have and are happening
in the congregation (even allowing for imperfection) until I came across your
website. The one great struggle I have at the moment is trying to convey to my
wife the things I have learnt, because she cannot understand why I have been
uncomfortable at meetings and reluctant (read: inactive) to share in the
I must admit I have looked at alot of what is obviously apostate material over
the last few months while researching the early history of the Watctower
Society, and yet it always surprises that while they may seem ok on the surface
they all eventually exhibit the bitterness and bile that comes from rejecting
Jehovah's spirit and following men. And yet... but for the grace of God... I
could have been seduced and joined them.
Needless to say I am extremely grateful to our loving Father and the way he has
used you to provide me with the nutrition I needed at the right time.
May I send you my warmest brotherly love and hopes for your health. And may
Jehovah continue to bless and protect you.
Brother, if it wasn’t for your
advice through the pages of your essays, I might have fallen away over the past
year. I read over and over again your wonderful, beautifully written articles
and essays and truly believe that the Holy Spirit is upon you. . . May Jehovah
continue to bless you in comforting people like me, who are crying out to God
all over the world. Please keep up this extremely important work.
I would first like to thank you for
your wonderful, encouraging, eye opening site. I hope all is well with you.
I was wondering about the article "Why the need for a New Covenant?" Can you
tell me when it will be concluded? It is such a good article so far and I am
eager to read the rest.
To tell you the truth I was a little worried about you because I saw no activity
on your site for awhile. But then just recently it was updated. Your life story
was very interesting. We have (as God's people) always hinted about Jehovah
doing things like you bring out in your history but I know most Witnesses almost
scoff at any mention of Jehovah acting in behalf of anyone individually today
and God forbid anyone be directed personally by His Spirit. I for one have never
read in His Word that He would not do those things in our time. Yes yes the
gifts would cease but not the direction through His Spirit. It seems to me that
it would have to work more (on those who have faith to receive it) in these last
Please keep doing what you are for as long as Jehovah wills it and I know His
blessings will be upon you.
Dear Brother, When the Holy Spirit teaches us to put our Trust in only Jehovah,
Jesus, and his word of truth - It also teaches us not to put our trust any man
or group of men. There is a judgement coming from Jehovah by his Son and the
spirit of his mouth. You (Dear brother Perimeno) have had a part in this by
exposing (revealing) the governing body as the Man of Lawlessness - I don't
think this is a time in any way encourage people to stay with the organization -
rather to encourage for all to read their bibles - pray for wisdom and holy
spirit - and to do as Romans 16:17.
Brother! I just found your site and
writings. How long have you been here? How long has this distress among us been
an issue? This is all new for me, yet I am seeing that I am not alone and that
others are already knowing of these things. Although this is somewhat
disturbing, it is also a reason for joy, as we are affirmed, and comforted.
Jehovah bless you for yielding to His spirit in providing this much needed
My breath has been taken away with the dawning of new understandings in my mind
and heart. My mind and heart have been opened wide, to see such an expanse of
detailed truth. It causes the heart to overflow! I felt great sadness when such
things were trampled down and dismissed by the very ones whose privilege it is
to shed forth light to yet others. The spirit of the response sent to me was so
unexpected. I felt perplexed and disturbed. But, since then, even more
understanding and answers to prayers have come and I am finding a path of peace,
as you too, advocate.
I write to thank you, and encourage you to continue to provide this comfort for
those of us seeking relief from solitude. Jesus rightly said that there would be
love among his true brothers, and that it would be a source of comfort and
strength. He has seen to it that we have this provision, despite the failings of
the Steward.
Greetings... For over two years now
I've visited your site and have really enjoyed the fine and up building bible
based essays and articles. I appreciate the warm and loving yet straightforward
tone that your writings have. Now more than ever God's Household needs to build
their faith solidly. Not on the flawed teachings of men, but on the life giving
sayings of the: "Chief Cornerstone" (of our Faith) and the "Rock Mass": The Lord
Jesus Christ.
I certainly perceive that the clear, concise and easy to understand scriptural
writings on this site, (especially the ones concerning the new covenant and the
irrefutable Mediator ship of our Lord Jesus Christ) will go a long way to the
end of "building up the body" of Christ so that we may stand before that one
"unblemished" at his revelation. For your self sacrificing efforts in providing
this site and all the encouragement and edification it contains... I THANK YOU.
My dear Brother. Please keep up the good work! May our Great God continue to
Bless you by means of Our Lord and King Jesus Christ...
Over the forty plus years I have
been associated with Jehovahs people, alot of things have changed and a lot of
bad things have gone on I am aware of , and many questions have come into my
mind as to why and questions I have asked nobody could answer.. IF we wait on
Jehovah, we will get our answers as you have been directed by his Holy Spirit
in overturning strongly intrenched reasonings and answering alot for me. I
haven't believed turning in field service reports was right since the early
70's. but it did help the brothers facing inprisonment during the Vietnaum war.
and this book in book study of the minor prophets,, WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?
Yes, that book was the clencher. I LOVE studying the Bible Deeply and am
grateful for this website and others that challenge me to research deeply as
directed by Jehovah. I feel closer to Jehovah now than ever and that there is a
chance for me to survive and many others.. as Jehovah really does love us and
will provide direction in spite of the WT society. This is still the truth and
these are still Jehovahs people. The good news being that my sister, who was
wrongfully DF,d many years ago is reading your website.. "Trust in Jehovah with
All your heart" Thank you Brother for your sleepless nights and all that you do.
Thanks for hanging on despite the
pressure, my friend and brother.
This site was one of the first that
helped me to get the problems in the organization in perspective. I always come
here when I want to reassure myself that it is not only me who has such
feelings. A very encouraging site.
I got a question please answer the
question the most sincere way as as possible I wan tot know why u are
withholding your Identity? what are u trying to hide from who Jehovah is the
highest over all of the world and u can hide from the people on the earth but
not from Jehovah u seem Cowardly on your ideology it seems to me that people
like your self are True Apostates in the heart getting there every meeting and
every time out to the field service and behind close doors u have the mark of
the beast written all over your self and that is the true belief to me people
like your self need to get your Priorities in order and quit being a WAFFLE
stick to one side "Revelations 7:14 "And to the angel of the congregation in
La·o·di·ce′a write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and
true witness, the beginning of the creation by God, 15 ‘I know your deeds, that
you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or else hot. 16 So, because
you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my
Get back if you have any idea of what u get out of this.
Thank you for a great site, and from
the comments a much needed ministry to our Lord's neglected and abused sheep. It
is clear that God's spirit is directing you to stay humble in explaining what he
has undeniably made clear to you. Thank you for your warmth, compassion and
love. Please continue showing love to your detractors as you may heap fiery
coals on their heads and per chance cause even just one of them to question
their venomous, vindictive and evil hearts.
My God! This Is A Very Spiritual
Website. I am very excited that I found your Website. I...have been making
contact with JW's for over a year now, but have not completed a Bible Study or
been Baptised.
I just want to be VERY Close to GOD, but I have not been able to and I don't
understand why???
If it wasn't for your site, I would
probably be inactive or so upset with things I don't know where I would be.
Thanks to Jehovah and his son for your site brother perimeno. You are very safe
to visit.
I would say that the articles I've
read ( many times ) have given renewd streanght and hope in a time of enourmous
dispare and streanghten my own relationship with Jehovah in answer to my
prayers. And I actually was praying for help to be honest.
Of all the JW related sites out there yours has helped my wife and me the most.
I know this has to be expensive. Wish you would put donation button on your site
to help with expenses.
I have been comforted by this site
knowing that ‘concerns’ and areas in need of improvement have been noticed by
others and not just myself. It is my perception that this site is not intent on
criticizing the society just for the sake of finding fault or as a means of
coping with negative past experience with a member or the organization but
rather to help persons cope and ‘wait on Jehovah’. Material presented has
provided sound scriptural arguments regarding issues which some believe exist.
Questions motivated by the sincere desire to learn, understand and draw close to
Jehovah are essential in building a relationship with him. Questioning solely
for the desire to find fault and tear down are ‘demonic’ and I very rarely use
that term. I believe that the devil is blamed all too often for man’s own folly.
The material presented many times provided additional / alternative context for
scriptures and principles which are important for all. All of us should have a
desire to have our ‘perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right from
wrong.’ Paul exhorted us in 2 Cor. 13:5 to ‘keep testing whether you are in the
faith, keep proving what you yourselves are’. Then later in verse 8 he says,
‘for we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth’. Jehovah has
chosen to use imperfect men for his perfect law that we might demonstrate our
love for him and one another. We also manifest our faith and reliance on him
while being trained by him (1 Pet 5:10).
Keep up the good work. Don't let apostates enter the site. Be faithful to Jah,
but respectfully critical of the organization.
Your article on "Organization" seems to try explain the WTB@T Society
represents/is Jehovah's "modern day people"......I do not agree with your
reasoning/interpretation/application of scripture on this matter. It has not
helped to explain clearly from scripture, Jehovah would have/form a group of
people, to be organized and recognized as His gathered/selected/special people
prior to the arriving of our Master Jesus.
I really hate to see what the congregation has turned into, but I know that soon
Jesus will step in and clean the congregation out, starting with the very
corrupt men at the top. The internet allows me to associate with others who take
their stand on Jehovah's side and put their faith in Jesus. It is comforting to
know that there are so many loyal worshipers of Jehovah around the world and
that we are all learning how to worship in spirit and truth. I look forward to
the day when Jesus becomes king and everyone on earth is singing praises to
I read your article on dedication
and it really made so much sense. I found it amazing that you quoted Micah 6:8
at the end. Some months previous to finding your site and after I had explained
why I was returning to the meetings after so many years in the JWD Forum,
someone wrote in and said they fully understood why I needed to go back and
quoted Micah 6:8 which seemed to reflect exactly what I had written about as to
my reasons for my return. This scripture had such an effect on me that I printed
it off, stuck it in a frame and placed it on my wall to remind me of Gods love.
Your explanation of baptism explains very clearly what it is all about; and that
it should not be confused with the word dedication, which the society have used
interchangebly. You are absolutely right in explaining why many have fallen
away, because the Society have placed a heavy burden of responsibility on them
in thier teaching on dedication, which is not mentioned in the holy scriptures.
I wish there were more like minded individuals like yourself leading the way of
Gods people. Undoubtably, there would be many more Jehovahs Witnesses
experiencing the joy they should be experiencing right now.
Thank you for all the effort and love put into the site, it is really
appreciated. May Jehovah continue to bless you in your efforts to be found a
faithful and wise servant.
Unfortunately there is no freedom of speech in our organization neither freedom
to disagree of absolutely nothing and much less to make any critics regardless
as constructive it may be. Disagreeing in doctrinal matters means to be stoned
to death (disfellowshipped by the judicial compressor roll) or to receive Cain's
mark in the front as an eternal potential apostate. We can only do it thru sites
like yours and many others behind the computers screen and thus remaining
anonymous for protection against the modern inquisition applied by thousands of
modern Torquemada's inquisidors around the world inside the WTS.
Your site has encouraged me to remain inside this organization. It has also
helped me to look at some information a little more openly and to be patient as
Jehovah helps us to understand what he wants us to understand as we get deeper
into the closing chapters of this old system.
I have just come across your site
and am reading with interest. There are a lot of things I agree with that you
have written. I have recently returned to the meetings after a number of years
away. Before I read your site I went back to the meetings with a view that I
would only believe the things that are plainly and clearly shown from scripture
and that I will not allow myself to believe things that simply don't add up. I
too have decided to keep my thoughts to myself and be discreet; to wait on the
changes that will come about, so as to avoid the consequences. . .
There are many people out there reading your site and finding refreshment from
it. I will make every effort to read as much as I can on your site.
The first time I read an article
from you was more or less 4 years ago. It was the article “My people like it
that way”. My husband didn’t know what to do to open my eyes closed for 40 years
by the WT heavy indoctrination. Whenever he insisted on my reading it, at the
same time I threatened and I was really about to denounce him to his colleagues
elders asking them to help him since he was reading apostate materials on the
internet. But, fortunately, he was untiring in patiently encouraging me and
telling me that I was mistaken and that I had to read only that one, nothing
more. Then I said: ok, but I assure you that it’s going to be only for this
time, and that will be all.
As I progressed in the reading I was amazed to realize that I did not belong to
that group. In fact, I hated it that way! But I didn’t know it until I read your
article. My husband was sure that that article would touch my heart because
there was no apostate connotation at all in it. In fact, I was so “loyal” to the
GB and FDS that it was unbearable for me reading anything coming outside that
channel. How grateful I am today that I have taken courage to read that blessed
article! I wish other brothers and sisters had the same courage to do it for the
first time as I did. When we take that courage, Jehovah gives us the certitude
that we took the good decision. We don't have to be afraid of men.
The second one was “Who are God’s sons?” That one made me cry because I always
had the feeling that Jehovah is too loving to be Father only for an elite
claiming it for them in exclusivity. I really needed that explanation.
Well, after that I’ve been reading all your articles and I find them wonderful.
I used to say to my husband that you were my “Damascus road” and that enables me
to read everything related to the Bible with open-mind now both from you and
others that make good research bringing more light to the wonderful truths of
God’s Word. I came to realize that our God can use His holy spirit upon whoever
He wants to do so without partiality. And among those blessed ones you certainly
are included with much highlight. Fortunately Jehovah does not limit His holy
spirit only within the WT Brooklyn’s walls. Please, continue your excellent
spiritual work and ministry.
I want to tell you that after . . .
our discussions regarding the articles on your web site, I can't stop smiling.
It feels like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel excited again
regarding my relationship with Jehovah. My prayers are different lately, they
seem more from the heart. The articles you've written are so refreshing, and
easy to understand. I printed all of the articles on your web site and put them
in a duo-tang folders with tabs to separate the different subjects. This way I
can read them over many times and look up the scriptures in my bible. The
understanding you have on the scriptures is quite amazing. You can see that
Jehovah is guiding you with his holy spirit. We are living in exciting times!!
I found [the subject « Born Again
»] very enlightening and it has completed with more details my understanding
about this complicated, polemical and controversial subject. It was really very
elucidative and it has become now easier to be understood!
Your perspicacity is incredible for who could have imagined that that
alternative understanding makes much more sense and it fits with much more logic
as far as Born Again is concerned! Congratulations! . . . May Jehovah continue
illuminating you with His Holy Spirit in order that other enlightening and new
features of understanding can come to the light. . .
I've been in the truth for over 40
years. I've been a servant or elder for some thirty years, although I'm not
serving right now. I stepped down over a year ago because of the tension in the
congregation. I just didn't feel physically up to dealing with the corruption
and self righteous attitudes. I haven't been to many meetings over the past
year. But I do want to get back in the swing of things. I'm feeling a little
better physically. The article "Be Patient and Trust Jehovah" was very good in
that regard.
Your web site and the 2001 translation site has been an eye opener for me. I've
only known about them for two weeks now. I know now I'm not by myself. Like most
brothers, I've been careful not to visit any sites other than the society's.
For forty years I've thought it was wrong that only the anointed would partake
of the emblems. Do you think there are a lot of brothers, not of the anointed,
that now partake? Thank you for your efforts to assist the brothers. I for one
am very appreciative. I hope in some way I can do the same.
I want to thank you very much for
so many interesting articles that have encouraged us a lot and we want you to
know how much and how deeply my family and I appreciate your thought provoking
You can't imagine, how many, perhaps thousands of brothers you are helping just
now without your knowing it. By the way, I want to let you know that I have been
reading your articles for already some years. About three times a week I take a
look to see if there is something new. . . what a big ministry you have been
doing to the praise of Jehovah and Jesus Christ and to the encouragement to
thousands, all that with much humility and modesty. That's the way I believe an
anointed should behave and work.
I have just finished reading "Does
God have an Organization" wow I was so encouraged, I feel so grateful that
Jehovah has seen fit to have me know the truth, the reasons behind why I have
felt so miserable at times, and so hurt and upset at the injustices done to our
dear brothers and sisters, and the lack of love, why these things are. Thank
you, and a fantastic article. And especially all praise to Jehovah.
Our dear brother... I thank you so
much for your site, the beefy food I enjoy is really thanks to our Father
Jehovah, your efforts are refreshing, as you show care for the brothers/sisters and your
sincere desire to stick close to the congregation and stay focused on the
preaching work in spite of all the hassles within the organization clearly shows
you are of Jehovah’s house.
As a previous elder for 10 years…I
am very impressed with your open minded view of things and not throwing the baby
out with the bathwater.
Your words and your website have
been really encouraging. When I first read your story, it moved me to tears; I
was at the office so I had to run and hide but I made a very long prayer to
Jehovah and decided to write to you. I now find myself paying more attention at
the meetings and also I find them more enjoyable – I always did, but it only had
to do with the association not always about the information. It saddens me
though, how little emphasis we put on God's Word and how little we are
encouraged to use the Bible in our ministry, I never noticed that as much as I
do now. . .
I write to you with the greatest
humility and also gratitude. I have been going through a crisis, a spiritual
one, and thought I could not go any further, not for too long until I read some
of the things you have written on your website, perhaps is Jehovah seeing my
troubled heart. . .
My mother in law after seeing my distress. . .openly mentioned to me about some of
her 'discoveries' and mentioned the existence of your website. She mentioned the
word Perimeno and I searched it through Google, and that's how I found your
website. . . I haven't been able to stop reading your writings and have found
them the most comforting! Thank you again for your website, it's proving to be a
blessing in these difficult times.
I want to tell you that I enjoy your
Essays and I look forward to the day when Jesus comes to inspect his House.
Jehovah's blessing.
I used to study with Jehovah's
Witnesses. Back in that day (the early 90's), I don't think they had Witnesses
who would dare to publish their own teachings, so this is something new to me.
Anyway, I'm not Christian and have no interest in becoming one, again, but I
enjoyed your article on Eph. 5:33
Hi, I was looking at your post and wondering-when Paul addressed entire
congregations for their sin, or individuals have their sins pointed out and
disciplined, how is that different from a sincere JW pointing out among other
JWs the issues w/in the organization or their congregations or their elders? Why
should they get a pass, when a individual JW is called on the carpet because
they even "Stumble" someone based on stupid things (and you know folks have been
counseled or worse for 'stumbling' others. If the org. stumbles-should they not
be held accountable? When entire congregations were greedy and fornicating
etc-John called them on it! Are we so insignificant as individual Christians
that we should not call a spade a spade, or a false teaching a false teaching?
Is unity something that should be constructed without a foundation of truth, or
can true unity only exist on truth? What good is being IN the truth if we deny
things that are true-simply to be in agreement with men who may have other
things, other agendas altogether going on?. . .
It is encouraging to find someone who is truly faithful to the word of truth.
Thank you for your
encouraging information. Many things you talk about I always wondered about.
Dedication was something I never understood or believed. Thanks for making this
clear scripturally. One thing I don’t under stand is, you encourage us to stick
to the brotherhood and just wait on Jehovah. Why then the links to websites that
are from ones who encourage us to leave the organization. They have obvious
hatred for the “truth” and express it readily. Your reply would be appreciated.
Perimeno replies:
you for taking the time to share your thoughts and express your concern. I feel that some of
the links on my site, such as the JW Reform movement and Jim Wheeler's 2000
English Translation encourage the brothers to do more research on their own,
which may help them
understand what is happening within the organization. I have not visited for a
long time the other sites I have linked to, and after receiving your
letter and checking them out personally, I have decided to remove some of them.
Some are simply expressing their personal gripes, without offering any
explanation as to why these developments, over which many are stumbling, must take place. (Daniel 11:35; Matt.
13:20,21; 26:54) Thank you again for your input.
I have printed and saved the
essays that are most helpful to me and want to thank you for your site very
much. . . I am having a very difficult time dealing with the goings on inside
the org. To say the least things are simply awful. But I have taken what you
encouraged us to do along with the Scriptures used to wait patiently on Jehovah.
Do you have a "terms of use" for
your site? I would like to distribute your information to my bible students by
way of emails, and want to copy and distribute the information on your site.
Perimeno replies:
The truth from the Scriptures cannot be copyrighted! I have no "terms of use."
You may use or distribute anything you find of encouragement on my site.
I have found some encouragement at
your site. One of your articles deals with Ezekiel chapter 34, and it was very
comforting. I believe you are sincere in your efforts to help others. I have
every confidence that eventually Jehovah will make sure we have all the truth we
need in order to make right decisions. . .
I do appreciate how you keep your focus on the scriptures, but as is human
tendency, word gets around and the name Perimeno is gaining prominence. I'm not
saying that's a good thing or a bad thing, it's pretty much out of your hands
anyways. I feel it is each person's own responsibility to not elevate another
human being to point where they are becoming a follower of that person. It's
kind of the same trap we just came from...."The Society says..."
Over the past several weeks I have
been truly comforted from your experiences and perspective on things and thank
Jehovah for his kindness and tender mercies in motivating you to share. My eyes
often swell with tears of joy and appreciation as I read the outcomes to your
stories i.e. The move to where the need was great and the issue with moving your
furniture, or 'CO's don't go hungry'. I just now finished the story on the
Police Chief in Greece. Again another encouraging story.
The advice to 'show a waiting attitude' and 'be patient and trust in Jehovah' is
truly wise. . .
Thanks for helping me slowly regain
my balance as regard the organization. I really understand the fine points that
you are bringing out. Your web-site is reaching many helpless ones without
silencing your mouth by the society. It is amazing that something that they
spend a lot of time telling us not to get on (the internet) is actually where one
might find hope.
Thank you for your inspirational
site and the way you disseminate the word of God. It is a great example of how
the Internet medium can and should be used for the right purpose.
If the Watchtower was not chosen as
'Gods Organization' in the first place, isn't your site merely reinforcing the
illusion that they were?
Your failure, is in believing against all evidence that Jesus Christ EVER had
anything to do with the Watchtower Society in the first place, and that those
men have been appointed to outline "Jehovah's arrangement"
. . . Tell me, will you be better off for encouraging people to stay in an
organization who's ridiculous teachings on 'blood fractions' could cost them
their lives?
How will YOU feel in a few years when the Watchtower "allows" you to use your
conscience on ALL fractions, large and small? How many people will have died in
the interim, ones who "stayed in" and listened to advice like yours?
You call the WT leaders 'wicked' behind the comfort of your computer, while
telling others they should still show up at the Kingdom Hall and 'obey' the WT.
How many more times will the WT have to redefine terms ("generations") before
persons like you realize that they NEVER HAVE HAD any Holy Spirit leading them?
Again, your folly is in believing the lie that the WT Organization (which is
still your idol) compares to/ or is on par with the Temple arrangement.
...thank you for your encouraging
web site. It has helped me imensley.
Hello and thank you for you're web site. There are a few sites that talk similar
to you on bible doctrines. Being in particular that of the coming of Christ the
presence to be future not ago in 1914, a few have agreed to this, my point is so
many are jumping on the band wagon of witness misery. What is the damn truth
then. I do believe that the WTBTS can't be right on a lot of its teachings and
dealings with members, however who are these others that come on the net and
screw us up even more, more to the extent that we want to just run away and
hide, go away from this corrupt org,,,,but is it corrupt or is it just the
apostates trying to fool us and making us confused.
Reading what you have said and the way you present your self is to me far more
appealing, and what you say more believable. What of the others that say similar
Who to trust and is it what I was looking for an answer to the orgs unacceptable
deviation from Jehovah and truth, or am I just another failure looking for a way
out. What is going on.
For the last few years, I have been
unable to ignore some of the inconsistancies I have been seeing in what is
taught and what the bible has to say about some things. I am not going to be
specific, but you touch on many of them on your site. I find that many of your
conclusions are the same as I have been holding to, namely, let things be what
they are. I, however, have a problem with teaching others things that I know to
be in error. I don't have a problem with preaching the good news of the Kingdom,
but not being able to point out the inconsistancies as they would crop up in a
bible study would bother my conscience. Especially when questions come up. I
wouldn't want to be guilty of causing divisions. (which seems to be the popular
df charge these days) I have spoken up a few times privately to the elders in my
congregation, when I have responded honestly to others in the congregation and
had been reported for doing so. I haven't been diciplined, but it is only
because my intent was to be honest, and not stir up contention. Also I was able
to prove my points scripturally to the elders, and it made them uncomfortable,
but not enough to change their position of subjection to the society. It is good
to know that I am not the only one who sees the inconsistancies, and has
questioned them. I have written the society a few time to try to get some
explanations of a few points, but all I get in return is a republishing of their
position, and not a clarification, or ignored entirely. I have taken the
approach of waiting, but there isn't any joy in that, but there is much anxiety.
Hopefully I will be able to draw some comfort from you site. thanks
I agree whole heartedly with you about not telling others about your web site,
as I believe if they need to know for any particular reason Jehovah will direct
them to it as he did me.
Interestingly I found your site through a post on e-watchman forum, I was
searching for answers and came across his site, I began to feel uncomfortable
being there and did not like his self promotion his pop culture look at things
and his prophesying. I just felt wrong reading his material and didn't want to
hurt Jehovah. So I prayed for help, and direction.
So I asked on the forum if their were any other sites with similar views, and
Perimeno was mentioned, so I typed your name and bingo!
I was pleased to see that you stuck strictly to scripture without speculation,
and were not sensationalistic, you did not put self first and always put Jehovah
and his sheep's interest as priority. So I have somewhere to come to as I am
alone and need good association at home, and your site has helped me, along
with my personal bible study and meetings occasional witnessing, I hope to
progress and become stronger so as to maybe help others.
I want to thank you Brother for the
work you have done on your site. It has been very encouraging to read your life
story as well as your faith strengthening essays and scriptural truths. I have
been baptized for 31yrs, it has been a very bumpy ride, was inactive for a long
time, then came back only to find things worse not better. The NGO and child
abuse issues happened whilst I was out, but I noticed a decline in love and
brothers/sisters were suspicious of one another, the elders held the
congregations together out of fear and not love, iron fists, controlling and
very cold atmosphere, of course some brothers/sisters are loving, but mostly it
was robotic.
Your site answered my WHY? so thanks again, helps me to keep sticking close to
Jehovah and the congregation in spite of the above. Wait on Jehovah.
I want to tell you how much I
appreciate your website. It helped encourage me a few years ago to continue on
as one of Jehovah's Witnesses when I was ready to throw in the towel for all the
problems I saw going on in many congregations including my own.
Dear Brother
I would like to express my thanks for all you're work on Perimeno site. I too
have seen a spying and policing attitude within my congregation, a lack of love
and a regimental organizational spirit amongst those taking the lead and others.
I love my brothers and sisters very much, but keep quiet even amongst my family
as I fear of being disfellowshiped or having to put up with suspicion. I love to
witness about our father Jehovah and the love he has for us, and am looking
forward to when his name will be vindicated and justice will be done, and our
dear b/s come out of captivity to this organizational idol.
I ran across your Web site on the
Internet tonight. I've spent the last couple of years doing some serious
soul-searching, and it's not been easy. I was raised as one of Jehovah's
Witnesses, baptized at 14, served as a pioneer for years and Bethelite for a
little while. I really believed everything I was told from the platform. But
through the years I've seen some seriously wrong things done by those in charge
in the congregation. I've seen people hurt beyond belief by those who claim to
be a shelter from the scorching sun. And through the years I've also begun
questioning many of the things that I've been told about Jehovah, prophecy and
many other things. And I've gotten to the point where I almost don't know what
to believe or think. . . It was nice to find your articles and those of several
others online who still respect the truths that they learned from Jehovah's
Witnesses but who see things for what they are...whatever they are.
I have sent a few of my friends to
your site but some have said they resent your harsh criticism of the Society,
particularly that of the faithful & discreet slave. I can only imagine how many
others shy away from your site for the same reason. I think you have much
valuable information to offer and maybe many more would benefit from it if you
toned down your criticism somewhat.
Perimeno replies: Thank you for sharing your
concern. I can understand why some would be put off by any criticism of those we
have come to look up to, but my criticism of our leaders is no harsher than
theirs is of the clergy of Christendom to whom they apply Jehovah's coming
judgment, but which Jehovah addresses to "my people." "'Woe to the shepherds who
are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasturage!' is the utterance of
Jehovah." "A flock of perishing creatures my people has become. Their own
shepherds have caused them to wander about." (Jer. 23:1; 50:6)
I want to say how very much I was
encouraged by your frank and candid lifestory that I read after I happenstanced
upon your website. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing the details that are
normally left out of a "cleaned up" version often found in the magazines. It has
been over a year now since I have been out of association with Jehovah's people
and believe me I am feeling the pain. . . When I read of your experiences of how
Jehovah bailed you out of hardship at the last minute I felt the pang that I
never experienced the same. Instead I always seemed to go through the trial of
NOT having the answers. I felt the full weight of trying to figure out how to
earn a living and keep a balanced lifestyle AND at the same time keep spiritual.
. . It is going to be a long and hard road to return to Jehovah and I need His
help desperately. God bless you Bro. Perimeno for your website. . .
I want to apologize for last years
rudeness and unloving behavior. I was so frustrated with being quiet about the
Faithful and discreet slave and all the inconsistencies that I have been taught
over the 30 plus years in the Organization. I then hear about you and your
thoughts , and I thought to myself why are you not standing up and being vocal
about this to your congregation or the Organization. I over reacted and I am
sorry. I have been reading some of your essays and they are very refreshing.
It is absolutely imperative that
you realize the terrific effect your understanding of scripture has had on me
and others. Of course, all praise to Christ and our Father!
Jehovah has drawn me and helped me by means of the internet and, more than
anything, by the Godly work of you and your website. Throughout my searching,
I've always come back to your website. Since the beginning of leaving Bethel, I
really have felt "God is among you." From one site to the next site to research
to study to Watchtower, I've felt that the one person I could really trust for
Bible truth is you. So, please don't forget that [Perimeno] because in no small
way have you 'fed me at the proper time.' I want to thank you with love for what
you have done.
Hi, I wanted to stop by and thank
you for your help. I am so glad I stumbled upon your site. Your writings have
helped me calm down and see things the way Jehovah really wants me to see them
regarding what to do with the new information I have been blessed with. I now
look at those in positions of leadership in a different light. I know Jehovah
will take care of all situations not in harmony with the way he wants things to
be done. I am to take care of what Jehovah has given me to do and if he wants me
to do anything more he certainly will direct my steps. Running ahead of Jehovah
and taking matters into our own hands will certainly bring unnecessary hardships
just as you mentioned.
I was wondering though what PERIMENO means if anything? Aren't I the nosey one
(Smile). Thank you for your calm
manner and loving and respectful way you help us all. May Jehovah continue to
bless you and your family.
Perimeno replies: Perimeno (περιμένω) is Greek for "I
wait", "I stay in place." (see Acts 1:4, "...keep waiting for
what the Father has promised.") I chose that name when I was posting on a couple
of Witness
forums and was disturbed over how many of the members were encouraging others to
speak out about the errors and sins of the Society, particularly about their
involvement with the UN as an NGO. Quite a few had stumbled and left the
organization and they were encouraging others to also leave. My desire was to
encourage the brothers to stay and "wait on Jehovah," for Jehovah had foretold
the worsening condition within his household. These developments give evidence
how close we are to the arrival of our Master, Christ Jesus, who promised to
return at a time we do not think likely; and it calls for endurance on our part.
(Luke 12:40)
Bro. Perimeno, I enjoy your website
a lot. There is so much useful information. I had always wondered about how the
society came to the conclusion that Babylon the Great has already fallen. I had
never felt comfortable with their explanation. And my understanding has always
been on the same line as that of yours. There are so many more areas where I see
that they do need a refinement on their understanding. . .
. . . about your latest essay
regarding God's sons. Of all the articles I've read this has to be the best!
Probably because it's a subject that has been the source of much confusion,
head-scratching and earnest prayer. . . I've found the WT's explanation
inconsistent and contradictory. It seems that to get to the heart of the matter
I've had to dismantle some long-held beliefs and I'm so glad you've put the
pieces back together.
Some months ago I wrote to say Thank
You for the info presented on your site. I had just had the bomb dropped in
finding out about the JW/UN association. Since then my world has been rocked,
and I have been reeling. I have lost confidence & trust, lost sleep, and lost my
focus. I am still holding on as a regular pioneer, but don't know if I can
continue in good conscience. I realize how much I trusted in the wrong
direction, the info from the mags and the headquarters. That realization alone
has served to improve, and deepen my appreciation and relationship with both
Jehovah and Christ Jesus. It has got me into the Bible more than ever before. I
am still confused about what is the RIGHT thing to do, but when I read letters
you have written like the "Be Patient and Trust Jehovah", and the one following,
it helps stabilize my shaky legs and intention to try to stay where I am at and
continue to show love, and to be there when the Tower collapses. We need to pray
for each other, all of us. . .
My heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for your loyalty and love for God and
Truth and for being there. I look forward to slowly reading all of your site.
. . . I have finally made a firm
resolve to be reinstated, . . . and I wanted you to know that your website has
been a big inspiration to me. I wanted to thank you for helping me find such a
calm place from such a terrible storm. Thanks very much for your dedication to
Jehovah and the hard work it no doubt took to create your website.
Perimeno replies: This brother
has undergone unimaginable suffering at the hands of some of his local elders.
Jehovah will see to it that justice is done. (Eccl. 3:16,17)
I have been reading your site and at
first thought you were an apostate, but now am seeing a different picture as I
read more. I have been a baptized witness in good standing for over 30 years.
However recently I have had family members leave the truth and they have sown
seeds of doubt in my mind about whether an organization who has made as many
false predictions if you will could be a false prophet. I have done extensive
research on this matter and still am confused. The faithful slave clearly says
they are not prophets that can foretell the future, yet they claim to represent
God's thinking an interpret scripture as if they can. I am scared to discuss my
feelings with the elders for fear they will think I am reading apostate
literature and will look down on me, but I'm more afraid of what Jehovah thinks
if I remain in this faith with doubts. Any encouragement would be appreciated.
My family member reminds me that the light would get brighter in the time of the
end, not continue to change.
Are you really a witness or an
apostate? Your hearing voices in your head sounds much like my handicapped son.
I have been a witness for 45 years. Does the society know about you and approve
of the things you are writing?
Perimeno replies:
The "voices" in my head you are referring to occurred only on three separate occasions,
each time while I was praying and in direct response to what I was praying
about. You might be even more shocked to know that I was "told" on one of those
occurrences that it was indeed an angel that had visited me at the Convention
site immediately after my baptism, telling me that I was "a chosen one." What
makes you think that Jehovah no longer does these sort of things, although you
know he has done
it for his people in the past? (Zeph. 1:12)
I have not written my story to draw attention to myself or promote myself, but rather to encourage
the brothers and sisters by helping them understand that Jehovah is indeed a
caring God, that he has a household and that he is deeply interested in all his
"sons and daughters" within it, and that is why he is very much involved with his people today
in this "time of the end." At times he does more than simply provide the daily
necessities for those who are seeking first the kingdom. (Matt. 6:31-33; 2 Cor.
6:17,18) What he
has done in my case he is also doing for many others who have faith. You ought to know
these things seeing that you have been a zealous witness for 45 years. (compare Matt.
13:58; Heb. 13:2)
I am . . . concerned about you
exposing the dirty laundry for everyone to see. Jehovah’s organization is not
perfect. It has made a LOT of mistakes and it will continue to make a LOT of
mistakes. But I am going to tell you what Jesus disciples told him, where would
we go? There is no other place to go. And in due time Jehovah will correct
matters. But for you to expose it to the whole world to see, what do you think
is going to happen to those individuals that are doing a research on the
organization and come across your website? Do you think they are going to be
attracted to an organization that has so much baggage? Who is doing more damage,
the organization for making mistakes or you for exposing it to the whole world?
Your website has been visited by more than 39,000 individuals, I wonder how many
of them have been stumbled by your comments. . .
I don’t mean any disrespect, but too many people outside the organization are
doing so much damage thru the Internet, that to add some within the organization
is deplorable. And that’s exactly what Satan wants.
Perimeno replies:
Jehovah is the one doing the exposing. He does not need my help. I am merely
explaining what has already become public knowledge.
In times past Jehovah has always publicly exposed "the dirty laundry" of his people for
all to see, including the sins of their leaders. His reason for uncovering their
sins and errors has been to move them to repentance, and failing that to make
known to them and the whole world
the basis for his coming judgment against them. Therefore he warns his people, "here I am collecting together
all those passionately loving you toward whom you were pleasurable and all those
whom you loved along with those whom you hated, and I will collect them together
against you from all around and uncover your private parts to them, and they
must see all your private parts." (Jer. 5:7-9, 26-31; 14:7-16; Ezek. 16:36,37; Heb. 4:13; Rev. 3:17,18)
Yes, it is very disturbing to have brought to our attention our rebellious and
sinful condition, and even more shocking to have our opprobrium so openly exposed for the whole world to see.
As a result, have you seen in your area any repentance on the part of the
brothers "over all the detestable things that are being done in the midst of
[us]," or are most of them more concerned about keeping these things hidden?
Did Adam succeed in hiding from his sin? What do you think we can expect to soon follow? (Ezek.
9:4; Amos
4:12; 9:9,10)
Consider a recent example
Nov. 9/06. (If link fails click
here; December follow-up click
here, if link fails try
Dear Brother - I just wanted to say
that your story very much moved me. It is amazing how Jehovah allows us to make
mistakes and then when we realize how we have failed he welcomes us back. . .
I am trying to find my way back. Your wonderful story makes me feel as though I
can. Thank you very much for the encouragement brother.
. . . Your contributions on the web has ignited me to get back on track, I've
been studying again and plan to return to the meetings for the first time in
over seven years. . .
Your website is a real 'godsend'.
Rather than a 'refreshing load', sometimes I feel we are burdened by hours of
preparation for meetings followed by talks that are doom and gloom. We have a
great deal of truth and faithful and discreet ones are within the organisation;
it's just a pity that they're eclipsed by some who appear more Corporate than
Christian. Conversely, I need to check myself from becoming 'righteous overmuch'
and perfectionist. There are a lot of good brothers in the congregations and I
count myself privileged to have them as friends. I'm thankful you've helped me
to appreciate God's household.
I read your online story and enjoyed it. Your implicit faith in Jehovah is of
great encouragement. He really is in control and I've found the more I
acknowledge his personal involvement, the more involved with me he becomes. It
takes courage to set up a website as you have done and I know that Jehovah must
be happy as you glorify his name and congregation. Your viewpoint on prophecy is
exactly how I have felt. I recently had an assembly item regarding the nearness
of the end and found it difficult to avoid questionable doctrine as detailed in
the outline. Really, the 'times and seasons' are Jehovah's and not ours. I like
the way our new release calls this time a 'period of expectation' during which
individuals can 'repent or make adjustments in their life and thinking.' That's
another plus about your website - the emphasis is on preaching the good news of
the kingdom and sticking to it as Christ did. Wonderful stuff!! Refreshing!
I’d like you to know that you have
been a strong influence in helping me to be determined to get to know what
Jehovah has put in writing for us. You have helped me to be able to search for
Jehovah’s truths and not to just settle for someone’s explanations if they don’t
always measure up to scripture. I haven’t felt more confident in Jehovah, and my
love for Jehovah and His son continues to grow each day. One day soon things
will begin to change dramatically and I sure hope that I can help others the way
that I’ve been helped by individuals like you.
I want to show my appreciation for
your very welcomed hard, and no doubt emotionally exhausting, work. This really
takes some courage to present these scriptural articles, given the current
attitudes in the Society today. Jehovah will bless your efforts.
Amazing good news! While some of this has been understandably disturbing,
overall the information has been encouraging and inspirational. I am so
energized by this new light - it is literally keeping me up at night. It is like
holding pieces of a puzzle for years that didn’t make sense or fit, and this has
helped to put things in place. . . Most of your arguments have been thoroughly
supported by strong and proper scriptural reasoning and confirmation.
With warm Christian greetings & brotherly love. . .
I have read most of your articles on
the website, and was very impressed with your scripturally sound reasoning. I
have wanted to discuss such matters for years. Yet, you really can’t afford to,
because we don’t always know who are our friends or potential enemies. There is
this very real environment of fear in the organization on discussing anything
other than the society’s viewpoint. People mark their ‘uninspired’ books until
they are red, but what of the Bible? God’s Word has often become a secondary
quote. Is that not similar to how other religions and treat their books? Fear of
being accused of deviating from the teachings of the faithful and discreet slave
(actually the government body). This has left me feeling alienated and
disconnected in many ways. However, I rely on Jehovah and his spirit which
always gives me hope, endurance, and renewed vigor.
I found the article on the Who are the “Other Sheep” most compelling. . . I never thought about Jesus’ comments being directed to the Pharisees -
rather than his disciples. Now this really clears things up. So at that time he
was contrasting the one flock, physical Israelites, with an ‘other’ flock as the
“people of the nations”. This leads to the logical reasoning that all of God’s
baptized people are under the new covenant, and “one flock”. There are not two
flocks (really three considering the Israelites) with two different so-called
“hopes”, but two groups within the same flock - the anointed class and those of
the earthly class - with two sets of positions within his arrangement, provided
they remain faithful to the end. . .
Your explanations on the terms, “dedication” and “governing body”, were very
correct and well supported by the scriptural reasoning. These are points I never
thought about. Whenever ones try to add things - even simply descriptions or
terminology - that are not in the scriptures, whole theologies have developed,
similar to the rapture, transubstantiation, immaculate conception, the trinity
Dear Brother Perimeno:
I was pleased to find your website. It is very well put-together and organized,
and I like the chosen theme. You have a great deal of fine information, and I
appreciate the reference material as well. There is much to think and reflect
on. I haven’t been able to go through all of it yet.
As far as my background for now, my family has been in the faithful servants of
Jehovah for many years. I have been baptized for nearly 20 years. . .
I have read some of your articles, and agree with many of the points you have
made; disagree on a few others. For example, on the subject of dedication, this
was quite interesting, and something I had felt about in a similar way, since
the bible never actually used that term. Also, on the operation and leadings of
the holy spirit - this has also been a difficult thing to really grasp its mode
of operation for me for many years, and I am only now starting to gradually
getting a better sense of it. I see by your own ‘story’ that you grappled with
this matter as well. I fully agree that we often hinder Jehovah’s spirit by our
often biased attitudes and perspectives (personal and learned). Yet, while often
its operation is subtle, we should recognize that it is quite powerful.
Your comments on a ‘governing body’ arrangement were also well taken. While,
Jesus did institute an organizational arrangement for the preaching work and
brotherhood, it was not specifically laid out with any structure quite like
this. When I was growing up, I just assumed that the majority of the anointed
ones (still on earth), conferred together on scriptural and organizational
matters, and that the governing body was just a representative group of the holy
ones, like a republic structure. However, when I got older, I learned that
wasn’t the case. On this note, this has troubled me. I have always wondered if
the ten or twelve members of the government body are supposed to represent the
‘faithful and discreet slave’, why they do not consult the entire remaining
earthly family of the Anointed on important matters, especially those involving
clarification of biblical insights and new or revised methods for the preaching
work. It is this ‘collective’ group which makes up that class and its God-given
assignment, not just these few.
I objectively read your article, The Great Tribulation = Jehovah’s Day =
Armageddon. While I agreed with much of this, I did take a few exceptions to
some of your final conclusions using the scriptures quoted. In solely an effort
to seek the truth, and with all due respect to your presentation, I wish to give
an alternate assessment on those particular points if I may. . .
Hello Bro Perimeno,
I was just visiting your site and reviewing your writings on Dedication and
Baptism. I think this is probably your finest work. . .
As it stands the way that we as Witnesses connect vow to dedication and
baptism is completely unscriptural as is readily admitted in the Question from
Readers in the 10/1/73 WT
At any rate I enjoy reading what you have to say and I appreciate your love for
Jehovah. I just wanted to share some thoughts on baptism that I have recently
come across.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your
website. I am just wondering how you go about ministering to people. . .
Hello Perimeno
. . . I have greatly enjoyed your site, and have been reading it for some time
now. Please keep up the good work of sharing your spiritual insights with us.
Dear brother. . .
I loved your story. . .
Your site has been a special encouragement to me.
. . . it's been very enlightening
what you have written about the baptism and dedication. My friend and I have
discussed it a lot. It is so amazing that a teaching that is supposed to be so
fundamental and important can't be found anywhere in the Bible... if only more
witnesses knew about it. It could be a shock for them at first but then they
might feel quite relieved because it would ease their burden a lot. Well, I
guess everyone will understand when the time is right.
Dear Sir,
I am very encouraged by the clarification of scriptural understandings that you
are working to provide. It seems that you are not trying to go against the WTBTS,
but trying to encourage those in the organization that may feel there is some
“hard to believe” explanations given. I’ve had to reach the conclusion after
digging through about 10 different web sites proposing to support Jehovah’s
purposes that I need to wait patiently for Jehovah to provide justice and
absolute clarification in His time frame. I thank you for helping me to be
able to reach very solid scriptural reasons to help subdue some of my many
questions and negative feelings because of information I’ve come across, like
. . .
I am not yet a Jehovah’s Witness, but I dearly want to follow everything Jehovah
has said and I feel as you do that it is through his organization, mainly
through the scriptures. According to their fruitage, I feel Jehovah’s Witnesses
are His organization. I haven’t been baptized yet because I am stuck in the
military, as I have been for 2 years and 4 months. Hopefully that will be soon
to change. . .
Ps… in respects to my being in the military, I have been in for nearly 7 years
now and have been studying since Sept 2003. I am working to get out, as I have
been since I began studying. Two months into my studies I became a Conscientious
Objector. I was denied, but have still been doing everything legally possible to
get out . . .
Thank you very much again. You are very encouraging and up building with your
Dear brother:
Thank you so much for all your hard work in behalf of myself and others like me
who are sighing and groaning over the detestable things being done in the name
of true worship. It is so wonderful to know that Jehovah will rectify the
situation soon. I hope and pray that as many as possible will re-evaluate this
horrifying situation before it is too late and change their attitude from
"liking it this way" to abhorring it. There was a time in the not so distant
past that I was "liking it just fine" and was the stereotypical "company" man as
it were. I am glad that I no longer fit that mold. I hope that Jehovah will
recognize me as one of his own when the time comes. Until then, I guess the only
thing to do is keeping busy telling others the good news of God's Kingdom by his
Son Jesus Christ. I also pray that Jehovah will bless my efforts in this regard.
I really appreciate this information, I hope many others will be motivated by
God's Holy Spirit to find your site and read it.
I understand well where you are coming from, I just
want to encourage you to consider this perspective. To remove at least the
"alternative doctrinal views" you have at your web-site...or at least if that is
not possible upon review..you'd consider taking it down. . . I am worried for
you brother and the position I feel you may have placed yourself in.
I hope this isn't offensive ..my directness...I know no other way and am
terrible at communicating any other way. I hope you know the respect and regard
I have for you is sincere and genuine, and not diminished by this and other
points of disagreement between us. I hope if you opt to continue with the path
presently embarked on that my head and gut are wrong.
. . . You're Passionate about your faith which is refreshing!! Apathetic sleep
walkers bore me, and aren't my favorite associates..never were.
Thank you very much for your website. I believe Jehovah is and will continue to
bless your efforts at preaching the good news this way. I have been a baptized
witness for about 30 years now, the last 4 or five being very trying on my
spirituality. . . I have recently started reading your website and I find your
viewpoints to be very balanced and scriptural. I agree that there are many
problems within Jehovah's household and do not feel that there is very much that
can be done to remedy it. I feel like making an issue of it on one hand, but the
realist in me knows that those that have any real power to change things are the
very ones who have us in this mess in the first place. My question to you is
this. How do you keep from being "beaten" by your fellow slaves? How do you
remain in good standing with the congregation while espousing ideas that clearly
conflict and contradict the self appointed FDS? I do not believe that your
statements or ideas conflict or contradict the Bible, but that does not seem to
be important to those who have a stranglehold on what is and is not "approved
Anyway, your site has been a great encouragement to me. My ministry has all but
dried up over the last few years, but this site (and I'm sure Jehovah's spirit)
has reinvigorated me to have a desire to again have a full share in the
ministry. My most joyful time was the years I spent in the pioneer activity. I
hope that someday soon my affairs will allow me to be a full time minister
again. Until then, I will have to be happy with the best I can do within my
circumstances. Thanks again for your inspiration. Keep up the good work.
Just wanted to say thank
you for your web site, I have been bouncing in and out of the truth for a few
years, I have never gotten to the point of baptism, and my husband has always
been an atheist, but a few months ago we started having problems in our house,
nasty spirit problems, anyway to cut a long story short my husband wanted to
start going to meetings with me, is now having a study with a brother and I am
studying with another sister.
So it seems I have been
really blessed, and all because of some bad things happening in our house, only
for some reason I have been questioning everything to do with the witnesses and
am continually questioning and questioning everything, and this evening was
doing some research on web sites about Jehovah's witnesses only to read some
awful things which was shaking my faith even more, I'm sure if I told my study
lady that I was looking all this up on the internet she would moan at me lol
Anyway I wanted to thank
you for your web site, it renewed my faith even more, as I keep questioning
things and sometimes I am not happy with the answer they give me, but from what
I can tell from your site it seems that they have most things right but not all
things, and it was nice to read that.
So I will stick with it and
know that Jehovah will sort it all out in the end.
Sorry for the ramble, I
just wanted you to know that you are doing some good, and it is a great site, I
am sure the society wouldn't approve, which shows they don't know everything,
this evening you helped restore my faith, for that I thank you.
After sending the letter to
you last night I came across "Your story" which was incredible and was really
encouraging, its funny as whenever I have a problem to do with the truth one way
or another Jehovah seems to show me the answer, my problem yesterday (there is
at least a new problem every day) anyway it was to do with the anointed and how
they knew they were chosen, so after reading your story it also felt like
Jehovah had answered me.
. . . thanks again for your
site it makes me feel Jehovah is with me.
Hello and I
thank you for you site. . . I have read several of your articles today and I
have to say I agree on many of the
points. . .
I pray that all of us, would get the real sense from the Scriptures, to bring
our thoughts in to captivity into the Christ, to become a full grown man in the
Christ, to put on the Christ. In my years as a witness I have always felt that
we didn't give enough credit to our Lord and Master Jesus, too much emphasis on
works and earning our way to life. None of us are worthy of anything but death,
none of us have the right judge others, none of us have the WHOLE SCOOP on the
scriptures, I agree with you on, if the angels are desiring to peer into these
wonderful truths, who are we to even think that we have the inside insight and
knowledge on the scriptures? I believe that this is a disastrous to put
ourselves in this category. Again I agree on your point let the scriptures
speak for themselves, not many of you should be teachers as we will have a
heavier judgment. . .
there Perimeno,
like your website, I am aware of “apostate” views etc, but you don’t come across
as this type somehow. . .
your website rocks
. . . I hope you are correct in assuming that we are very near to Jehovah's
judgment of his people. On the other, I have allowed myself to slip so much
spiritually, I'm not sure Jehovah would recognize me as one of his people. I
still attend meetings, and go in field service weakly (not weekly) but I read
and think about the bible and the truth all the time, most of my waking hours. I
aim to change that perception in the coming days and weeks and months or however
long or short the time remaining is. I just hope I haven't waited too long or
saddled myself with too much extra baggage. All I can do is do my best I
suppose, and leave the rest in Jehovah's hands. Keep up the good work.
I just wanted to take the
opportunity to thank you for creating your web site and I continue to find it
very encouraging. I am visiting it on a regular basis. My heartfelt thanks and
Dear Brother
I don't know how to thank you for the information you have provided. I can
truly tell you that I am in tears as I write this letter. . .
. . . In prayer I had told Jehovah how I was falling away from his organization
and I was feeling so alone and begged Jehovah to not let go of me. A few days
later my sister briefly hinted to some WTS discrepancies ( I wondered for
days... is she listening to Apostates? as we are taught to do). Then we talked
from 10am till 4pm, to make a long story short I ended up in the site you have
up. I felt a load lifted, I'm truly coming to understand the scripture 'Truth
sets you free'.
I am still in the process of taking it all in (as well as doing my own research
to make sure of what I have been reading). When I didn't understand the
explanations of certain prophesies, I used to just say "hey the GB must know
what they're talking about, besides I'm just a spiritual babe...". But, even
before reading the scriptures that substantiate what you've written... I
understand. It makes sense "COMMON SENSE". Jehovah, once again answered my
prayer... he didn't let go of me. Thank You My Dear Brother, from the bottom of
my heart and that of my family.
I want to tell you how much I
appreciate your giving sight to the blind. . .
Thank you for the very interesting and conforting web-site. After reading for
two weeks the comments of many EX-JW in the paradise café, it's really
conforting that you openly recognize the mistakes of some of our leaders and
some of our doctrines, but nevertheless, instead of leaving, you tell us that we
should be patient and trust Jehovah, and stay with his people. Thank you so much
for this lesson.
Brother I wanted to let you
know that I have read your essays on disfellowshiping and also the ones on
dedication and babtism. Your insight on these matters have really helped
me trendmously in feeling better about myself as regards the condition I have
found myself in due to being disfellowshiped eight months ago. I have truly felt
like I had been thrown to the Wolves without a shephard in sight. But the worse
thing of all has been the effect it has had on my dear family. All I can say is
that Jah provides and we our starting to heal. Thank you again my brother, you
have been a blessing from Jehovah.
Dear Brother,
. . . recently I came upon E-watchman's website and read all of his essays then
found your essays and read them, have read son f compfort's etc... Wow! I was
shocked to read these same ideas here, really shocked. What an eye opener. Like
learning the truth all over again!! Your essays in particular really touched my
wife and myself. She somehow found your site and had me read it. . . Reading
these essays has brought us back to life spiritually and motivated us. It would
be hard to overstate how grateful we are to you for sharing your story and
I just wanted to take a
couple of minutes to comment on your . . . essay on prophecies. There
has certainly been an immense amount of work devoted to trying to unravel the
prophecies contained within the bible, all to the confusion of the common bible
student in his ernest desire to gain a better understanding of his Creators will
and purpose for mankind. I want to thank you for dispelling much of the
confusion that has surrounded our need to know in these matters. I have spent a
life time listening to the various and everchanging speculations concerning
future events that we obviously have no control over what so ever, said
speculations being touted as gospel at the time, only proving to be false in the
end. The resulting dissappoinment and frustration proving to be very detrimental
to the faith and trust of any sincere lover of truth.
The insight you have provided as regards these matters has been a very timely
blessing in these days of ever increasing anxiety, wroth with the promulgation of
a multitude of falsehoods.
I would also like to compliment you on your fine web-site, as it is very well
laid out, easy to navigate, extremely informative, as well as being very
attractive to boot. It is a very nice place to visit.
What I appreciate about your
site is that it is pointing out areas of concern within the organization. You
are neither trying to create a following, an uprising, or a reform and I commend
you for that. I also appreciate that you do not Bash brothers. That to me is a
demonstration of love.
"I really love this website. Really gets me thinking. Jehovah appears
to be doing fine works through you."
"I just wanted to let you know I just got done reading your story and all
your other 'adventures'. I had to write to let you know that I was totally
glued to my computer screen. I love your honesty and humor."
"Your web-site is fantastic, perimeno. A spiritual feast
for any hungry ones."
I agree completely with your conclusion
that the "other sheep" foretold by Jesus had reference to those Gentiles that
would be brought into the "one flock" under the direction of the "one shepherd."
The class distinction between the 144,000 and the "great crowd" is certainly a
related issue that will need to be addressed by the organization in the future,
especially as "this generation" (of the anointed ones) continues to dwindle with
the passing of time. Although I left the organization in 1977 (as a young person
of 17 years old), I have tried to stay in the loop with regard to the direction
of the organization. To be honest, sometimes I miss the fellowship and activity.
"I read through your homepage at
and was moved with tears at the clear understanding Jehovah is apparently
pouring out in spirit...What I read on your site is truth...I feel pressure to
Do something but realize Jehovah is instructing me to sit, and wait."
"This is the absolute most personal and exquisitely detailed experience I
have ever read---I encourage all to read it---it is profoundly moving and faith
strengthening...thank you for making this available to us"
"I have enjoyed reading the experience of your anointing very much....it
brought me smiles...even laughter, and tears. Now I am starting to read more on
your site..."
"I read your moving life experience and was in tears all the way through
it--it is just beautiful. It was so profound to me that you too experience Jehovah
in such a close and personal way."
"The website is quite a gift from God to me...your website is really
comforting, and I know that in reality it is not your work, but all thanks to
I am an active witness of more
than 20 years. Thank you so much for your site and all the work you have done.
I would like to print alot from your site for my own viewing but am having
trouble. The right hand side gets cut off by a few words.. Can you help me.
Is your site already set for a printer friendly version? If not have you
thought about converting it to do so.
I have been lurking around E-Watchman's site for about a month but haven't
joined yet. . . I am in good standing and am in my forties. I am seeing so much
apathy in the organization. Even though I was apprehensive about viewing
e-watchman's site and yours at first, I now view them as a blessing. The most
encouragement I've had for many, many years. Sadly there seems to be almost no
sheparding going on anymore. Many brothers and sisters are missing meetings and
haven't read magazines and wonder why Jehovah is letting things go on this
way. E-Watchman's essays sure make sense, also yours and Al's, and things
written by Son of Comfort. . .You have also helped enlighten
my husband. He has been a witness since 1974. Keep up the fine work brother.
Hopefully our wait won't be too much longer. Thank you.
I read your wonderful and
touching experience of your Baptism and the angel visit and I just had a good
feeling that you were for real. That experience made me cry. It was so nice to
find out things like that still happen. Thank goodness for your son. I believe
I had read that you said you left your experiences on your internet site because
of him. I am thankful you did. You have encouraged me greatly.
Brother, I just felt
compelled to tell you how much I am enjoying your essays.
. .
Dear Brother Perimeno:
I feel
so full of joy after having found yours and brother e-watchman’s sites.
There are things going on in our organization that as you are aware have caused
many to stray, I myself have never strayed, I thank Jehovah for that. But
have felt many a time that I was not living up to my dedication. . . Thank
you, thank you, thank you and most of all I thank Jehovah that you and the
others have seen the light.
My husband
who has been a witness for 30 years together with me is very encouraged with
the information in your website and also e-watchman, with so much garbage on
the internet nowadays it is good to know that someone out there is helping all
those searching for answers such as us. We will continue with Jehovah's help
and be silent while we patiently wait for Jehovah to act.
Dear Perimeno, bro,
just been reading your essays on your Make Sure page and I must say that the
one on dedication just blew me away! I phoned my brother and told him to hurry
up and read it so we can discuss it. That’s what I’ve been researching today.
In the two study articles of the 1956 WT (July 1) there were 71 references to
the word dedication in one form or another i.e. dedicate, undedicated, etc. 71
times!!!!! And with absolutely NO scriptural support. SHAMEFUL. Until I read your essay, I hadn’t realized just
how harmful this doctine is. Here is a quote from the
56 WT 1 p. 399 What Dedication Means to
Me Paragraph 14 say:
“It is true that dedication places a
heavy load of responsibility upon one. And faithfulness in carrying that load
is mandatory!”
If indeed it is mandatory, then surely the scriptures would be plain in
spelling it out. They are not at all silent on the matter of baptism. You’re
right about our “trinity”. Up to this point I was merely concerned about the
changes in the questions for baptism. But that is just a symptom of a deeper
disease process. ugh.
I was deeply interested in your explanation of the concept
of dedication which not only convinced me but also relieved me of the
backbreaking burden I had to carry unnecessarily for years.
You had really made a huge difference in my life
This (perimeno's) presented understanding of dedication, changes
so much how service to Jehovah is viewed. Now with a clear, uncluttered view, I
personally benefit by approaching all sacred service to Jehovah with a more
pure motive...thus enjoy service, meetings, personal study etc. more than I
ever realised I could!
I think this is an outstanding example of the kind of truth that sets one
free!! Thank you perimeno, All Praise to Jehovah.
I was amazed to read of your experience in
My Dear Brother Perimeno,
A number of years ago I read a lengthy article in a popular
magazine entitled, "Why Things Don't Work?" The editor said,
"Frankly this was a challenge for our research dept." I don't
know if I've got this right or not but between you, Timothy and Watchman it's
as though Timothy explains doctrine, Watchman explains prophesy and you explain
the internal workings and organization dysfunction that has beclouded
understanding of the other two. I've read most of your site this
morning. It confirms all of my worst fears and my greatest
hopes. For right now thank you.
This seems like the missing piece of the puzzle.
. . . There
are many who suffer from feelings of insecurity in Jehovah's organization, but
they don't really understand why. They think it's them. Then they run into
these sites and are given partial understanding, the symptoms, as it were, of
the cause of their frustrations and anguish. I have spent the last close to 10
years trying to understand where the organization went wrong. I'm not sure just
what constitutes an bonafide
apostate, if the real ones are sitting up at the world headquarters. According
to them, I suppose we all are. That having been said, places like Freeminds, give me the chills. In a sense he's doing the
same thing that watchman and Timothy are doing, except they seem bent on
destruction of the Society, vis
enlightening the friends as to what the society has brought upon itself, but
they do provide a lot information as to why the organization cannot be trusted.
I'm trying to get to a bottom line here somehow, because this information that
you provide really exposes the central flaws. As you noted, it goes way beyond
the NGO situation. If I might use an analogy of an automobile, watchman
might say that the engine is running rough. Timothy might suggest a tune-up.
But you're the mechanic/engineer that does the analysis. I graduated from an
engineering school, so maybe that's why tend to appreciate deep analysis...I
came accross Watchman and Timothy about a year ago,
and they have provided some fasciating info. But it
wasn't until today that I first found a flawless owners
manual, if you will, that thoroughly explains why things have gotten to this